Результаты поиска - 'set|set' Результаты поиска - 'set|set'
№ 20210, Английский язык, 6 класс
Реферат на тему Панда (90слов)

1.где живёт(страна.лес)
2.чем питается
3.как выглядит
5.средство самообороны(панды)
6.как используется человеком(шкура.мясо)

Больша́я па́нда (кит. трад. 熊貓, упрощ. 熊猫, пиньинь Xióngmāo; лат. Ailuropoda melanoleuca — «чёрно-белый котоног»), бамбуковый медведь — млекопитающее, в настоящее время относимое к семейству медвежьих, родиной которого является центральный Китай. Большая панда живёт в горных регионах, таких как Сычуань и Тибет. Со второй половины XX века панда стала чем-то вроде национальной эмблемы Китая.

Китайское имя означает «медведь-кошка», при этом если читать его наоборот то оно означает то же самое. Его западное имя происходит от малой панды. Раньше его также называли пятнистый медведь (Ailuropus melanoleucus).

Продолжение тут -> http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%91%D0%BE%D0%BB%D1%8C%D1%88%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BF%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%B0

s fotkoj !:)
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The greatest threat to panda survival is the loss and degradation of its habitat. The giant panda's range is steadily shrinking as logging operations - many of them illegal - fell trees, and peasants clear land for farming or harvest vegetation for fuel. Already panda populations are small and isolated, confined to high ridges and hemmed in by cultivation. Poaching was a serious problem in the past, but it has dropped off, and it is no longer considered a major problem in substantial portions of the range. Furthermore, pandas' body parts have not been sought for use in traditional Chinese medicine. Giant pandas are killed, however, as victims of poachers' snares set for musk deer. An indirect threat from habitat fragmentation relates to the panda's reliance on bamboo for food. This threat arises because bamboo stands are subject to periodic large-scale die-offs. In the past, when bamboo died off, pandas could migrate to areas with healthy bamboo. But with fragmented habitat, this may not be possible.

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The Giant Panda has a black-and-white coat. Adults measure around 1.5 m long and around 75 cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 115 kg (253 pounds). Females are generally smaller than males, and can occasionally weigh up to 100 kg (220 pounds). Giant Pandas live in mountainous regions, such as Sichuan, Gansu, Shaanxi, and Tibet. While the Chinese dragon has been historically a national emblem for China, since the latter half of the 20th century the Giant Panda has also become a national emblem for China. Its image appears on a large number of modern Chinese commemorative silver, gold, and platinum coins.

The Giant Panda has a paw, with a "thumb" and five fingers; the "thumb" is actually a modified sesamoid bone, which helps the panda to hold bamboo while eating. Stephen Jay Gould wrote an essay about this, then used the title The Panda's Thumb for a book of essays concerned with evolution, punctuated equilibrium, intelligent design, the Piltdown Man hoax, Down's Syndrome, and the relationship between dinosaurs and birds among others.

It also has a short tail, approximately 15 cm long.

Giant Pandas can usually live to be 20-30 years old in captivity.
№ 20312, Английский язык, 10 класс
Socenenie na temu kak izbavitsj ot musara v lesu toka mne nada socinenija na angliskom jazike :P srocna !!!

Лес прежде всего - это экологическая защита Из-за промышленных выбросов деревья испытывают большую нагрузку. Они ведь, как люди: пока молоды и полны сил, в состоянии бороться, а когда стареют, то уже не сопротивляются, и поэтому болеют и усыхают. В лесу много старых нежизнеспособных деревьев.

Я считаю что для очистки наших лесов от мусора надо принять такие меры
1. Лес – это парк, необходимо брать плату за вход, поставить мусорные бачки и выручку тратить на очистку леса.
2. В лесу устанавливаются плакаты, ведется всевозможная пропаганда, о чистоте леса, устанавливаются мусорные бачки, создается отряд добровольцев для очистки леса от уже внесенного мусора.
3. Нужно пожаловаться Мэру города, он создаст бригады проверки, которые ловят тех, кто загрязняет лес, и штрафуют и наказывают их.
Forest foremost is ecological defence аrom the industrial troop landings trees test the large loading. In fact they, as people: while young and full forces, able to fight, and when grow old, does not resist already, and are ill and wither. There are a lot of old nonviable trees in the forest

I consider that for cleaning of our forests from garbage it is necessary to accept such measures фыЖ
1. The forest is a park, it is necessary to take paying for an entrance, to put trash sideburns and profit yield to outlay the forests on cleaning.
2. Placards are set in the forest, various propaganda is conducted, about the cleanness of the forest, trash sideburns are set, and detachment of volunteers is created for cleaning of the forest from the already borne garbage.
3. It is needed to complain Mayor of city, he will create brigades verifications, which catch those, who contaminates the forest, and fine and punish them.
№ 21206, История, 6 класс
Kakimi silami prirodi upravljali i kakimi zanjatijami pokroviteljstvali pere4islennie bogi?

Ra-бог Солнца
Set-бог пустыни и вражды
Gor-бог восходящего солнца
Nut-богиня неба
Anubis-бог подземелья
Osiris-повелитель загробного мира
Isida-богиня плодородия, воды и ветра

Ра - солнце,
Сет - бог хаоса,
Гор - бог солнца,
Нут - богиня неба,
Анубис - божество подземного царства,
Осирис - бог плодородия,
Исида - покровительница семьи.

Ра - Бог Солнца древних египтян
Cег - Бог Гнева и Зла
Гор - Бог царственности
Нут - Бог Неба
Анубис - проводник души сквозь темноту в древнеегипетской мифологии
Осирис - Бог возрождения
Исида - одна из величайших богинь древности, ставшая образцом для понимания египетского идеала женственности и материнства

Ра — древнеегипетский бог солнца, верховное божество древних египтян. Его имя означает «солнце» (коптское PH).
Согласно мифам, после создания мира Ра царствовал над ним подобно человеку-фараону, и это время было золотым веком человечества. Таким образом, все последующие правители Египта считались земными воплощениями или сыновьями Ра. Ра крепко держал весь мир в своих руках, благодаря магической силе своего таинственного имени

Сет — в египетской мифологии бог пустыни, олицетворение злого началаю Сет является богом войны и различных бедствий. Бог Сет почитался в облике животного, которое зоологически точно не определено.

Гор, Хор ("высота", "небо"), в египетской мифологии бог неба и солнца в облике сокола, человека с головой сокола или крылатого солнца. Гор был богом неба, а солнце и луна - его глазами. Являлся покровителем власти фараона. Считалось, что его магическая сила - источник плодородия земли.

Нут — богиня неба. Согласьо одному из мифов Нут ежедневно рождает Солнце-Pa и звезды и ежедневно проглатывает их. Нут - Небесная Корова, рождающая солнце и других богов. Принимая облик коровы Мехет Урт, Нут рождает золотого теленка, бога солнца Ра. За день теленок взрослеет, становится Быком - солнца. Вечером Нут соеденяется с солнечным Быком и проглатывала его, а утром следующего дня рождает его вновь. Нут является и защитницей мертвых. Небесная Корова возносит на небеса души умерших. Позднее Нут стали рассматривать как покровительницу мертвых наряду с другими богинями и изображать на саргофагах в виде женщины с распростертыми крыльями.

Анубис, в египетской мифологии бог - покровитель мертвых. Поэтому Анубиса считают создателем погребальных обрядов и называют богом бальзамирования. Анубис также помогал судить умерших и сопровождал праведных к трону Осириса. Анубиса изображали в виде шакала или дикой собаки Саб черного цвета (или человека с головой шакала или собаки).

Осирис - это греческое имя бога, но по словам Гермела второе греческое имя Осириса Омфис, в точном переводе означает "благодетель". Осирис — бог жизненных сил природы и плодородия, владыка подземного мира. судья в царстве мертвых. символ возрождения и вечной жизни. Осирис ежегодно умирает и возрождается к новой жизни, но оплодотворяющая жизненная сила в нем сохраняется даже в мертвом.
Исида, Изида, в египетской мифологии богиня плодородия, воды и ветра, символ женственности и супружеском верности, богиня мореплавания. Исида была настолько популярна в Египте, что со временем приобрела черты других богинь. Ее почитали как покровительницу рожениц, определяющую судьбу новорожденных царей.

Изида — богиня плодородия, воды и ветра, «великая чарами», «госпожа волхований»; в сложившемся мифологическом каноне дочь Геба и Нут, сестра и жена Осириса, сестра Нефтиды, Сета, мать Гора, одна из самых почитаемых богинь в Египте. Ее культ был в эпоху эллинизма широко распространен и в других государствах. Исида — одно из главных действующих лиц всех мифов, связанных с именем Осириса. Согласно мифу. Сет, бог пустыни и бури с головой осла, убивает своего брата Осириса и разбрасывает части тела по всем номам Египта. Исида, жена и сестра Осириса, собирает их воедино (символ объединения Египта, а также сбора податей) и хоронит мужа, который отныне становится царем подземного царства. В последующей традиции она воспринимается как идеал верной жены и любящей матери.

Тот— бог луны, бог мудрости, счета и письма, «владыка Истины», судья в мире богов, покровитель писцов и судей. Он изображался в виде человека с головой ибиса, держащего в руке палетку писца. Как бог луны, Тот является творцом календаря, по его воле год делится на годы и месяцы; он записывал даты рождения и смерти людей, а также занимался ведением летописей. Тот играл значительную роль в культе мертвых — доставлял каждого покойного в загробное царство, а также фиксировал результат взвешивания его сердца на весах Осириса.

Маат - олицетворение истины и порядка (закона), считалась женой бога Тота. Изображение Маат — женщина, сидящая на земле со страусовым пером, закрепленным на голове. Маат упоминается в «Текстах Пирамид», однако ее значение возрастает в конце эпохи Древнего царства, когда она объявляется дочерью Ра. Она имела важное значение в заупокойном культе — изображение Маат использовали в качестве эмблемы на суде Осириса.

Амон(букв, «сокрытый», «потаенный») — бог-покровитель Фив, бог-творец, возглавлявший фиванскую триаду, которую вместе с ним составляли его жена — богиня неба Мут и сын — бог Луны Хонсу. С началом XII династии культ Амона вытесняет культ исконного фиванского бога Монту. Позднее Амон отождествляется с богом солнца Ра и его культ распространяется по всему Египту. Он объявляется первым царем Египта, «царем богов», «царем обеих земель», его имя может заключаться в картуш. Правящий фараон объявляется сыном Амона-Ра. С Амо-ном связываются общегосударственные праздники, например Праздник долины, когда Амон посещает царские некрополи и святилища царствующего царя, или праздник Опет, когда Амон из Карнака отправлялся в Луксор. Наиболее крупный и самый древний храм Амона — Карнакский храм в Фивах.

Атум — древнейшее божество г. Гелиополя, бог-творец, глава гелиопольской эннеады. Обычно изображался в виде человека с двойной короной на голове и назывался «владыкой обеих земель», т.е. Верхнего и Нижнего Египта, что подчеркивает его сущностную связь с фараоном. Как это следует из гелиопольской теогонии, Атум сотворил себя сам, воплотившись в образе первобытного холма, и затем, оплодотворив себя, породил бога Шу и его женское дополнение Тефнут, от которых затем произошли остальные боги эннеады. Был рано отождествлен с богом Ра, чей культ заменил культ Атума в Гелиополе.

Нефтида (греч.), Небетхет (егип., букв, «владычица дома») — младшая сестра Исиды, участвующая с ней во всех заупокойных обрядах и мистериях, связанных с Осирисом. Изображалась как женщина с иероглифом на голове, соответствующим ее имени. Считалась женой Сета, хотя тексты, делающие эту связь не эфемерной, практически отсутствуют.

Нут — богиня неба, сестра и жена бога земли Геба, дочь Шу и Тефнут, мать Осириса, Сета, Исиды, Нефтиды, одна из богинь гелиопольской эннеады. Так же, как и Геб, не имела особых мест почитания, но принимала участие в большом количестве мифов. Согласьо одному из мифов Нут ежедневно рождает Солнце-Pa и звезды и ежедневно проглатывает их. Когда ее супруг Геб поссорился с Нут, поедающей детей, бог Шу разделил их, подняв Нут наверх, а Шу оставив внизу. В одном из фрагментов «Текстов Пирамид» Нут как супруга Геба называется «царицей Нижнего Египта»; позднее она участвует в погребальном культе, поднимая души умерших на небо и охраняя их в гробнице.

Ра — бог солнца, один из наиболее почитаемых богов Древнего Египта. Изначально бог-творец в теогони-ческой модели жрецов г. Гелиополя, однако в период правления V династии, происходящей из Гелиополя, культ Ра распространяется по всему Египту. Ра отождествляется с более древним гелиопольским богом-творцом Атумом и объявляется отцом богов, творцом мира и людей. Позднее Ра составил «один комплекс» с Гором (Ра-Гарахти), с Амоном (Амон-Ра) и некоторыми другими божествами.

Сехмет (Сахмет, Сохмет) (букв, «могучая») — жена главного бога Мемфиса Пта, изображавшаяся обычно как женщина с головой львицы. Воинственная богиня, защитница фараона в битвах, уничтожающая его врагов пламенем своего дыхания. Также богиня-целительни-ца, покровительствующая врачам, которые считались ее жрецами. Отождествлялась с Тефнут и Хатхор.

Сешат (женский род от «сеш» — «писец») — богиня письма, дочь или сестра (иногда жена) бога Тота. Ее образ — женщина с семиконечной звездой на голове. Сешат часто выступала как ипостась других богинь — Хатхор, Нефтиды. На листьях дерева «шед» Сешат записывала годы жизни и правления фараона. Также считалась покровительницей строительных работ. Изначально культовым центром Сешат был, видимо, г. Саис, однако затем главным местом ее почитания стал г. Гермополь.

Тефнут — в гелиопольской космогонии сестра и супруга Шу, дочь Ра-Атума, мать Геба и Нут. Ее зооморфным воплощением была львица. Тефнут почиталась также как дочь Ра и одновременно как Око, сияющее на лбу Ра, восходящего над горизонтом, и уничтожающее его арагов. Отождествлялась с Хатхор. Известен миф об уходе обиженной Хат-хор-Тефнут из Египта и последующем возвращении ее обратно и связанный с этим событием религиозный праздник, происходящий в период разлива Нила.

Хатхор (Хатор) (букв, «дом Гора», т.е. «небо») — богиня неба, в древнейших мифах представленная как небесная корова, которая родила солнце. Ее зооморфное изображение — корова или женщина с рогами (и иногда ушами) коровы. Хатхор считалась женой Гора Бехдетского. Позднее она была отождествлена с богинями Сехмет и Тефнут и почиталась в львином облике. Хатхор-Тефнут считалась Оком бога Ра и связана с большим количеством мифов. Позднее Хатхор почиталась также как богиня любви, музыки, празднеств и отождествлялась древними греками с Афродитой.

Шу — бог воздуха, заполняющего пространство между небом и землей, супруг Тефнут, отец Геба и Нут. Входил в гелиопольскую эннеаду. Специальных храмов в честь Шу не зафиксировано, известны лишь места почитания его в Гелиополе. Эннеада — девять первых богов в теогонической системе г. Гелиополя: Атум, Шу, Тефнут, Геб, Нут, Оси рис, Исида, Сет, Нефтида. Позднее подобные эннеа-ды (или октады) возникли и в других городах Древнего Египта.
№ 21442, Информатика, 7 класс
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№ 21850, Английский язык, 12 класс
1)my favourite music.2)my favourite movie.2 so4inenija,nuzno otkritj temu

You would be surprised how many people judge and descrimenate Marshall Mathers *Eminem*. He has been protested against and hated on throughout the most important years of his life- the years that he will remember for the rest of his life. Marshall was born in Detroit Michigan, 1974 and lived there for most of his childhood. He moved once to Kansas but moved back soon after, into a black neighborhood where he did the rest of his growing. Marshall was the source of so many fights when he was in school, and he often got hurt- he was once hit so badly that he was knocked out and unconcous. He was put in a hospital for five days untill they thought he was well enough to leave.
It wasn't till 1990 when Marshall started rap at a place called the Hip Hop Shop where he would preform for an audience doing rap battles. For those of you who think Eminem was a crack addict or drug dealer, you're so totally and completly wrong. On October 25 1995 Eminem and his girlfriend Kim Scott, gave birth to their new baby girl, Halie- Aside from the embarrasing parts of the story which I won't say, he wasn't able to support his family for some private reasons and was found un-employed and not doing well with rap... so he attempted a new album "Slim Shady EP" as his last hope to make it.
THE ALBUM WAS A HIT! His new CD sold more that 1.76 million copies in the first week. The now rich and famouse Eminem is now one of America's biggest rappers and he has finally gotten what he had worked so hard on. Good for you Slim! He loves his daughter so much and even made a song for her...*Halie's Song*- My favorite song,the best song in the world! And now I'm ending this essay with this- I hope you've learned a lot from this touching story and realized that Eminem might have written some songs that you don't agree with, but the way he sings is his fellings and his opinion...and I'm saying this in the nicest possible way- for those of you who have a problem with him, can just stick it up your asses. Thax and Byebye!

My Favorite Music
The Beatles
The wonderful group from Liverpool - John, Paul, George and Ringo - the Beatles, is in my opinion one of the best things that have happened in music in the twentieth century. They have written and performed great songs of many different generes in about a decade of their existance. After the group has broken up, its members, most noticably John Lennon, have continued writing and singing wonderful songs.
I can't really say which of the Beatles songs I like the best. I like the quiet songs (like "The Fool on the Hill", and "Julia"), the louder songs (like "Happiness is a Warm Gun"), the famous songs (like "When I'm 64"), and even many of the earlier songs (like "If I Fell"). Since I have on CD all the 15 Beatles albums, I can safely say that each and every one of them is worth having.
Classical Music
I really love to listen to classical music, from the Baroque and earier, to twentieth century orchestral music like Mahler's. I have a large collection of classical CDs, to which I usually listen at least an hour a day. My collection includes pieces by over 80 composers, and I really like many of them. However, my personal favorite composer is probably Ludwig van Beethoven (whose picture you can see on the right), who has written countless beautiful pieces. Some of the other composers I like are Dvorak, Tchaikowski, and Schubert, but as I said there are many other very good composers. Besides being beautiful, relaxing, and complex, the best thing about classical music is that I can listen to the same piece over and over, enjoying it more instead of getting tried of it.

My favourite movie
There are so many ways that we can judge what makes a movie "great": the acting, the direction, the script, the importance or significance of the movie, how many awards it's won . . .
My personal definition of a great movie is one that I love to watch over and over again without getting tired of. Therefore, this list of my favourite movies is not meant to represent anyone but myself. You can agree or disagree. Here are my favourites, along with a little bit about why I love them so much. Also note that this list is continually evolving. So here they are, in no particular order:
My favourite movie is Gone With the Wind (Unesennije vetrom)
This has everything: love, war, the passing of a gentile era, chivalry, passion, loyalty, betrayal, I could go on & on. My favorite since age 12. Never goes out of style, a classic–memorable lines, unforgettable characters, suspense, drama, gayety. The world needs Rhett and Scarlett in every generation!

Gone with the Wind is a sprawling mosaic of a picture, one of the best-loved and most successful in movie history, but also one of the most frustrating. Wonderfully epic in scope, the decline and fall of the antebellum South as seen through the eyes of feisty, independent and wilful heroine Scarlett O'Hara makes the first half of the picture an absolutely riveting spectacle. From the aristocratic old world of Tara to the horrors of Atlanta under siege, Gone with the Wind features any number of indelible scenes and images: the genteel girls taking an enforced siesta during the Twelve Oaks barbecue, a horrified Scarlett walking through the wounded, the flight from burning Atlanta, and Scarlett's moving pledge against a burnished sunset set to Max Steiner's glorious music score. But the second half shifts gear, the melodramatic quotient is upped yet further as tragedy piles upon tragedy, and despite its unwieldy length everything feels rushed. Add to that the central problem that the audience never really understands, why Scarlett could ever fall for weak-chinned Ashley in the first place, and the picture begins to unravel unsatisfactorily. Behind the scenes problems doubtless contributed, with directors coming and going, Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable apparently barely able to stand the sight of each other, and producer David O Selznick's endless rewrites and interference. Nonetheless, this 1939 box-office smash remains one of Hollywood's finest achievements, an irresistible spectacle chock-full of the finest stars in the filmic firmament striking sparks off one another. They really don't make 'em like this anymore.
№ 22030, Английский язык, 5 класс
mY favorite food, and instruction)

My favorite food is chicken and lamb , i can tell who i really love it , because it is very tasty , and not so bad for healthy . It just wonderfull and brilliant !

I love tasting various ethnic foods in addition to traditional Japanese dishes. Especially I love eating good quality of sushi. I and my family used to go to a sushi restaurant called "Kaburaya" at Nagayama, Higashi-miyuki-cho, Toyohashi. It serves a great/fresh collection of Kaiseki-style sushi (a traditional sushi dish) in a comfortable and friendly facility. We are missing it very much since we moved to Otsu-shi, Shiga-ken in March, 1998. We may have to find the alternative. Now we are staying in Vancouver and find many ethnic food restaurants so we are happy to experience a variety of ethnic foods here.

7. Speak about foods you like and dislike. Describe any recipe.

Meals play an important role in human life. Because it contained indispensable ingredients for life activity of our organism. Such as dioxides, fats, minerals and vitamins. They are contained in fish, vegetables, fruits, meat and other food stuffs . To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat buiscuits, toasts, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste . For dinner we eat some soup, salad and fowl, fish or meat with garnish. Many people have to eat out of home in restaurants or in cafes . In such places you can order French fries, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, crisps, pizza and many others, but these meals are very harmful for our health. For the last 10 years in Moscow and in over big cities appeared a lot of restaurants and fast-food cafes. And with each year them becomes ever more. The old restaurants, such as Prague, were advanced, and at the same time has appeared a lot of new. From a net of restaurants of a fast feed(meal) by first has appeared McDonalds, and then Russian bistro Sbarro, Ёlki palki, Patio pizza and т.д Such trade marks as McDonalds , Sbarro and Patio a pizza are known all over the world, and in what you to the country would not be , whether it be Russia, Great Britain or USA quality of meal and е ё of assortment in these restaurants everywhere identical. And such restaurants as Russian bistro and елки палки are only in Russia, and were created on an image and similarity of McDonalds. each of these restaurants has firm dish. For example McDonalds associates with Big Mag Sbarro and Patio a pizza offer very tasty pizzas, in Russian bistro a wide range of pies made on the Russian recipe. But the cheapest and qualitative meal can be found in McDonalds. In Russia unfortunately price level in restaurants of a fast food, and in expensive restaurants very strongly differs and many people simply are not capable to pay the accounts. In Great Britain and in USA considerably more people can visit restaurants. Plus to all service in restaurants of Russia can not be compared with European yet. Also nowadays many restaurants give services in delivery of their most known dishes directly to you home. For this purpose it is necessary only to call and to name that want. In Europe this system exists for a long time, and in Russia it has appeared absolutely recently. In Moscow besides restaurants with Russian there are the restaurants with the Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Turkish and Spanish kitchen witch use the large popularity. But it is not enough of them and the prices same are accessible not to all .
As besides restaurants it is possible to find set of tents in streets of Moscow selling hot meal, but the quality of it very doubtful. I hope that in due course will occur ever more and more restaurants offering tasty, qualitative and useful meal.

5. Speak about foods you like and dislike. Describe any recipe.

Meals play an important role in human life. Because it contained indispensable ingredients for life activity of our organism. Such as dioxides, fats, minerals and vitamins. They are contained in fish, vegetables, fruits, meat and other food stuffs . To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat buiscuits, toasts, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste . For dinner we eat some soup, salad and fowl, fish or meat with garnish. Many people have to eat out of home in restaurants or in cafes . In such places you can order French fries, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, crisps, pizza and many others, but these meals are very harmful for our health. There are people who like salty and spicy or sweet food. Also we all like roasted and grilled food , but such it is also very harmful . Nowadays a lot of people believe that only healthy food must be eaten. They don’t eat spaghetti, chops, sausages, grilled meat fish, fowl. They prefer to eat boiled and stewed vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, egg-plants, carrots. They certainly eat meat and fish but only boiled. Also there are people who don’t eat meat or fowl at all . They are vegetarians. But it isn’t good, because in fish and in meat there are some ingredients without which our health won’t be strong. In all big cities you can find Indian, Chinese Japanese and other oriental restaurants . Nowadays you can order you favourite meals by telephone, but despite it a lot of people like to cook themselves .Before cooking something you must buy some food stuffs. In big cities there are supermarkets and department stores where you can buy everything you need in daily life: from a tooth brush up to cars and furniture. Certainly you can buy there any you food stuffs. like Also there are food shops and markets. In markets it is better to buy greens, vegetables and fruits. Meat, fowl and fish it is safer to bay in shops because they must be kept refrigerator. As for me I like salty and spicy food . For example I’ll never refuse to eat grilled meat or stuffed egg-plants. I like caviar, shrimps, pate, bacon, cold pork.

Hot Dogs.

Tad Dorgan, a sports cartoonist, gave the frankfurter its nickname in 1906. Munching on a frank at a baseball game, he concluded that it resembled a dachshund’s body and put that whimsy into a drawing, which he captioned “Hot dog”.
Sausages go all the way back to ancient Babylon, but the hot dog was brought to the U.S.A. shortly before the Civil War by a real Frankfurter – Charles Feltman, a native of Frankfurt, Germany, who opened a stand in New York and sold grilled sausages on warmed rolls – first for a dime apiece, later, a nickel.
The frank appealed to busy Americans, who – as an early 19th century comment put it – tend to live by the maxim of “gobble, gulp and go”. Nowadays Americans consume more than 12 billion frankfurters a year.


Modern hamburgers on a bun were first served at the St. Louis Fair in 1904, but Americans really began eating them in quantity in the 1920s, when the White Castle snack bar chain featured a small, square patty at a very low price. Chopped beef, tasty and easily prepared, quickly caught on as family fare, and today hamburger stands, drive-ins, and burger chains offer Americans their favorite hot sandwich at every turn.
The history of the hamburger dates back to medieval Europe. A Tartar dish of shredded raw beef seasoned with salt and onion juice was brought from Russia to Germany by early German sailors. The lightly broiled German chopped-beef cake, with pickles and pumpernickel on the side, was introduced to America in the early 1800s by German immigrants in the Midwest.


It was early Dutch settlers and the Pennsylvania Germans who introduced the yeasty, deep-fried doughnut to America. To the Dutch it was a festive food, eaten for breakfast on Shrove Sunday.
Legend has it that doughnut got its hole in 1847 when Hanson Gregory, a lad later to become a sea captain, complained to his mother that her fried cakes were raw in the center and poked hole4s in the next batch before they were cooked.
During World War I, when the Salvation Army served them to the troops, doughnuts really took off as popular fare. Since then, coffee and doughnuts become a national institution. Stores sell them plain, sugared, frosted, honey-dipped, or jam-filled.

Apple pie

At its best, with a savory filling and crisp, light-brown crust, apple pie has long been favorite on American tables.
Apples and apple seems were among the precious supplies the early colonists brought to the New World. The first large apple orchards were planted near Boston by William Blaxton in the 1600s. When he moved to Rhode Island in 1635, he developed the tart Rhode Island Greening, still considered one of America’s finest apple pies.
As the fruit became abundant, many settlers ate apple pie at every meal. Garnished with a chunk of cheese, it was a favorite colonial breakfast dish. By the 18th century apple pie became so popular that Yale College in New Haven served it every night at supper for more than 100 years.
America’s love affair with apple pie has remained constant. Today’s housewives, pressed for time, can shortcut the tradition by buying the pastry ready-made at bakeries and supermarkets. Many variation on the good old original are available, but the classical apple pie, irresistible when topped with a slice of rat-trap cheese or slathered with vanilla ice cream, is still America’s favorite.

Potato chips.

George Crumb, an American Indian who was the chef at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York, in the mid-19th century, was irked when a
finicky dinner guest kept sending back his French fried potatoes, complaining they were too thick. In exasperation, Crumb shaved the potatoes into tissue-thin slice and deep-fried them in oil. He had a dishful of crisp “Saratoga chips” presented to the guest, who was delighted with the new treat.
Potato chips became the specialty of Moon’s Lake House and, later, America’s crunchiest between-meal snack.


America’s best known soft drink was first concocted by an Atlanta pharmacist in 1886. The syrup was cooked up by John S. Pemberton from extracts of coca leaves and the kola nut. He then organized the Pemberton Chemical Company, and Coca-Cola syrup mixed with plain water was sold in a local drug-store for 5 cents a glass.
Sales were slow until in 1887 a prosperous Atlanta druggist, Asa G. Candler, bought the Coca-Cola formula – then as now a carefully guarded secret – and added carbonate water to the syrup instead of plain water.
Advertisement stressing the words “delicious” and “refreshing” and carry coupons for free Coca-Cola added to the increase in consumption. A system of independent local bottling companies was developed, and the flared bottle, familiar worldwide and said to resemble the hobble skirt, was designed in 1916.
In 1919 the company was sold out for $25 million to a group headed by Ernest Woodruff. Under his son, Robert W. Woodruff, Coca-Cola rapidly expanded its market. By the mid-1970s more than 150 million Cokes a day were sold in country all over the world.
Today Coca-Cola has to compete with many other soft drinks, but it is still one of the symbols of the United States.

My favorite food is potatoes with meet.
The first take a potatoes and peel it.
The second boil it.
The third take a meet and fry it.
Finaly enjoy it.
№ 22141, Английский язык, 7 класс
Mne Nado Napisat po Angliskomu MOJA LUBIMAJA KOMNATA,u menja lubimaja moja komnata

Пиши допустим так:I like my room very much.In my room I can do all that i wont.In my room I have(перечисляй предметы которые находятся у тебя в комнате)I like my room and I don't want to have other room,because my room is the best room in all world.Типо этого что то...

My favourite room

My house is quite large. It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen, a study, a living room, a dining room,
a special games room and a big front and back garden.
My favourite room is my bedroom. I love it because it is the only room in my house where I can lock myself
away from the rest of the world. After a long hard day, all I want to do is go up to my cosy bedroom and
either listen to some mellow music, or lie down, unwind and watch a bit of T.V or maybe even a relaxing film.
This room is very special to me because I have inhabited it for over fifteen years.
It is a part of me. It is full of my personal possessions and it has been decorated with my fair hands.
So what does this special room look like? Well, it's quite big, but not huge.
It's big enough to hold a double bed, which leans against the back wall of the room.
There is a sofa bed, which leans against the left wall in the room.
In front of the bed there is a dressing table with a large mirror.
This is the place where I sit every morning and dry my hair and put on my make-up. Either side of the dressing table there are two wardrobes.
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My favourite room is my room. It`s the most important place for me in my house. I have a lot happy and sad memories of time spent there: birthday parties, preparing to exams at night. When I return home I always take a rest there. When I`m at home I spend most of the time in my room. When I look for serenity I can always find it there. In the rest of the rooms I don`t have anything to do, but in my room I always have a lot of to work. So what does this special room look like? It`s quite big. On the left, there is some furniture. In front of furniture there is a desk which is very often untidy, but sometimes it looks very nice and clean. The window is very big and that`s why my room is very bright. Next to the window there is a computer. Then there is my bed, which looks pretty nice especially when it`s clean. Above the bed there's a map of Poland. Farther stands a cupboard with many shelves. In the cupboard there are a lot of books. Two comfortable armchairs stand in the corner. Next to the window there is a big aquarium that is the most beautiful decoration of my room. Photos of me and my friends hang on the wall . On the floor there is a lovely carpet. The whole room is decorated with plants. Generally, I think that my room is the best room in the world especially when it`s clean, but even when it's dirty I like to spend time there.
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My room is the smallest one but I like it very much. First of all because it is my own room and secondly because it is very cosy and light. I furnished it myself. There is a writing table at the window, where I would do my homework every day. To the left of the door there is wardrobe for my clothes and shoes. In the left-hand corner there is my bed with a bedside table at its head. Near the writing table there is a computer table with my computer on it. But the thing I really enjoy is a big mirror near my bed. There are actually some chairs in my room. The walls are pink and they match the colour of the curtains on the window. There is a thick carpet on the floor and I like to read books sitting on it. On the walls there are some posters of my favourite musicians, photos and water-colours. I like my room as it is but from time to time I change it round. Quite often I move the bed and the table and change some posters on the walls. Sometimes I like to stay alone in my room, especially when I'm in a bad mood. Generally I'm pleased with my room but I wish I had a small TV-set, because I'm tired of soap operas that my parents use to watch.
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my favorite room

My favorite room is my room. In my room i can sleep, and do everithing what i want) In my room i like everithing, because it is my room.
My room it not so big. In room i have a computer, and i can play computer games) My room is (цвет) colour, because its my favorite)
№ 22719, Английский язык, 11 класс
Uzrakstīt grāmatas aprakstu angļu valoda( book rewiew)
ludzu :)


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
J.K. Rowling

Judging by this first volume, the Harry Potter books are a fine addition to English children's fantasy literature. Harry Potter, orphaned when his parents are killed by the evil wizard Voldemort, is taken in by his aunt and uncle, who are Muggles — ordinary, non-magical people. Harry is rather out of place there, but things improve greatly for him when he goes to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry — except that one of the staff is in league with Voldemort.

Turp. failaa.
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Deal philosopher

Dudi M. Athenian poison
Per. with angel. N. Bogdanovich. M.: Eksmo, 2006. 416 s. (the Book, about which speak). 5100 экз. (p) ISBN 5-699-18565-8 Lifes in Drevney Greeces was simple and boring, as in distant garrison. Neither you television set, nor шопинга, nor even пляжного of the rest. All war yes manoeuvres, all each other know in person, but uzh идеологический checking where there soviet замполитам! God forbid спьяну what blurt then and there deal заведут, witnesses начнут подыскивать...

Turp. failaa
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seit ir daudz review...
№ 22819, Английский язык, 10 класс
Нам задали написать Report-Tourism in Latvia!
Нету никаких мыслей про что можно написать,интернет тоже непомог
Сочинение 150 слов гдето.Жду помощи =)



The Latvia - a full life beautiful and modern country: high-class seaside resorts, splendid medieval lock and beauty palace, luxurious national parks and broad, unspoiled civilization rural elbowrooms. Tridcatikilometrovaya band of the snow-white sandy beaches Rizhskogo bay, сосновые wood, picturesque riverside Lielupe and herewith remarkable moderate climate, fresh, given to drink by scent epidemic deathes air and adviseable mineral sources attract here multiple reposing with the whole world. In recently in Latvias actively develops the rural tourism, when you can live in cottage in all modern comfort, but around - a virginal nature, and possible peacefully fishing, cop cancer, washing in bath, ride horseback. The Television set shows 50 channels, cars never occupy shift to the right band and on transition step aside pedestrian.
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Tourism in Latvia.

Latvia has hundreds of interesting things to see, and unfortunately it would not be possible to see them all during one, or even ten trips. It’s no wonder that travellers often get confused, and are unable to choose between various options. That’s why we’ve selected here the most popular and well-known things to see. These are places we recommend everyone should visit – because it is exactly these places that have the widest selection of excursions and will give you the richest impressions about our country’s local colour and flavour.

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Old Riga is a pretty famous place in Europe. There are many cafes, bars, and restaurants, with very friendly atmosphere. This small part of
the capital of Latvia will excite you with its charm, hospitality and variety
of entertainment.

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Tourism in Latvia
Tourism in Latvia is getting bigger every year as people are starting to visit this beautiful land which has only been open for a little over 15 years after the country gained its independence from the former Soviet Union.

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№ 23081, Английский язык, 9 класс
crowd, superstition, fan, useful experience, coach, skills and concentration, viewers, compete, lose, beat, find out, encourage, unite, make fun of something, plenty of, spectacular, rather difficult, slighty embarrassed, i find practising (...ing) interesting, difficulter didn't fute then of, They manged to achive, I finally drew the clonclusion that...

Lūgums uzrakstīt teikumus angļu valodā.. katram vārdam savs teikums..

The crowd may have a common purpose or set of emotions, such as at a political rally, at a sports game.
Superstition is a belief or notion, not based on reason or knowledge, in or of the ominous significance of a particular thing, circumstance, occurrence, proceeding, or the like.
Experience as a general concept comprises knowledge of or skill in or observation of some thing or some event gained through involvement in or exposure to that thing or event.

I dont like crowds look.I dont trust to the superstition.I am football fan.You have very useful knife.We gain swiming experience from training.I never hear some much noise from coach.I have skills in riding with horse.I dont like cartoon viewers.First time I complete my cars collection.You lose your sily game.I beat my best friend.I find out the truth.I encourage my pet.Why you unite the womens?I make lot fun from dancing.No one have plenty nitendos.I rather your spectacular.


You can easily get lost in the crowd.
Don't believe in this superstition crap.
I am a big fan of Linkin park.
This hammer is old, but still useful.
In any RPG game you must gain experience points to level-up you character.
Latvia hired a new coach for their national football team.

Turp. failaa
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there is large crowd in the street.
all of the people it superstition.
I am a fan of hockey.
I got useful experience.
if long to look after it is possible to get skills and concentration.
they main viewers.
these firms compete with each other.
a lot of people is lose by a money.
police find out circumstances.
we are encouraged at work.
two firms are united.
they from everything do fun anything.
for us plenty of a money.
it was spectacular show.
it a task is rather difficult.
I found interesting book.
vse 4to mogla

On the central station is a big crowd always. My mother is very superstition. at ney year celebration we have a lot of fan. All presents are very useful. I dont have any work experience, because i am studyng. At scholl teaching for skills and concentration. I need to complete this sentence. I lose my heat yesterday. I find out thi exercise hard for me. On my table always plenty of different things. This xercise is rather difficult not easy. After thi accident I am slighty embaressed. I fanally drew the conclusion that english language is not for me.
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