Atbilžu arhīvs Atbilžu arhīvs
№ 51803, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Lūdzu izpildiet arī šo.

UZdevums FAILĀ
Apskaties uzdevumu

1.1. Better; the best
2.faster; the fastest
3.more energetically; the most energetically
4. harder; the hardest
5. more clearlly; the most clrearly
6. more carefully; the most carefully

2.1. faster
2.less patient
3. less accurately
4. stronger
5. best
6. better
7. most unintellegent
8. fastest
9.less correctly
10. more intelligent
3.1. than he used to be it was when i bought it
3. she was as a child
4. than I was before
5. than five years ago
4.1. It is the most exciting film I've ever sseen
2. This is the most unreliable car we've ever bought
3.he's funniest man she has ever worked with
№ 51804, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Lūdzu izpildiet ;)
Apskaties uzdevumu

1. poet 2. homeland 3. activist 4. influrnces 5, poems 6. buried
2. uzd
1. With Harriet Westbrook.
2. Shelley's desire to practisean 'open marriage.
3. In London
4. To switzerland
5. They sailing on the lake and telling each other ghost stories.
6. Frankenstein
7. Shelley drowned
8. Mary moved back to London published and compiling her husband's work.

1. poet
2. homeland
3. activist
4. influences
5. poems
6. buried

lūdzu ! ((((((:

1. poet
2. homeland
3. activist
4. influences
5. poems
6. burried

2.uzd man slinkums rakstīt.. :P
№ 51815, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Story about lion.

apmēŗam 200 vārdi

A long time ago. there was a group of lions that were trapped in a zoo. They came from the great prairie of Africa and were used to the leisure and free life in the wild. Life in cages made them often depressed and crazy and
only in dreams after being tired, could they see their long lost home.
Time passed bit by bit, and some lions died of depression, while other lions survived and gradually got used to life in cages. Home started to become a vague image in their memories and some lions even sealed off this piece of memory altogether.

darbs failaa
Apskaties risinājumu
№ 52028, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Paldīdziet lūdzu kads izdomat domrakstu man vajadzīgs uz rītdienu . Tēma ko darīju brīvdienās :D Vajag vismaz katram 10teikumus

How I spend my winter holidays
I’d like to tell you about my winter holidays.
As for me I like winter holidays very much, because they are rather long and very funny. It’s so nice to have a rest from school. It’s usually very cold in winter. There are much snow and strong frost in winter. But this winter was not usual. There were not frost, snow and cold.
I hadn’t opportunity to play hockey, to skate, to ski, to play snowballs and to make a snowman. That’s why I think that winter was not real. In spite of it I had a wonderful winter holidays. This winter holidays began on the 30th of December and ended on the 16th of January.
It was nice to stay in bad a bit longer and not to hurry anywhere. I spend much time with my friends.

Turpinājums failā.
Apskaties risinājumu

At winter holidays I have spent a lot time with my friends and family. There are a lot of things I have done. I have visited my grandmother and grandfather. We decorated their house and they were very happy, we talked and laughed a lot. I was at mountains with my parents, my mother tried snowboarding, that was wonderful.

Turpinājums failā.
Apskaties risinājumu
№ 52049, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
varetu ludzu uzrakstit tekstu pa angliski par savu maju

My house isn't big, It's medium sized house, it has 4 rooms,bathroom, toilet, kitchen.As it should be the living room is the biggest room, second biggest room is my parents bedroom,3rd is my brothers room, and fourth is my room,which doesn;t have much wall, 3 walls basically consists of windows and fourth wall has a big door.My house also has a attick, which is quite small, but enough for aus.

Description of my house
I live in a flat near grammar-school. I live in 7-th floor. My house is designed for four member family. We have a small hall, the kitchen, the child-room, the bedroom, the living room the lavatory and the bathroom. In a frontdoor I have a peephole.
At first there are a very small hall with small wardrobe for shoes and rug. Opposite the frontdoor is living room. There are two carpets, sette with two armchairs and two stools, the coffe table, the table for old record, seven beautiful flowers, the break up bed, four pictures and walôl where is situated books, alcohol, glassware and dress.

Apskaties risinājumu
№ 52211, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Ludzu steidzami man vajadzigs diologs angļu valoda .

Tēma -
Your class has decided to organise a sports day at your school.

1. where and when it will take place . long it will lasr
3.who can participate
4.what activities you will have to inform others about the event.

2 frieds at school:
Annabeth:Good morning!
Drake: Hello!
Drake: How you think at what place we can make sports day?
Annabeth: i think at the sprot room!
Drake: Good idea!
Annabeth: How many time it will take?
Drake: 3-4 hours!
Drake: Do you have idea who can participate?
Annabeth: Maybe John?
Drake: Yes
Annabeth: What activities you will have?
Drake: Football,swiming and tennins! I love tennis, it's awsome!
Annabeth: wow same! i love tennis too!
Drake:How to infrom others about the event?
Annabeth: I sned massage to all!
Drake: Good idea, ill email all from the school!
№ 52255, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Vajadzētu dialogu. Katram apmēram pa 11 sakāmajamam (nezinaaju ka savadaak pateikt)
Tēma: Your friend kas asked you to compare what it is like to live in the country and in the city

Discus the atmosphere in the country and big cities


education and ware

offter-school activities and sports

enerteinment and shoping

2 friends!
Annabeth: Good morning Stan!
Stan: O hai!
Annabeth:How did you get to New York yesterday?
Stan: i taked Taxi!
Annabeth: Wow! I taked a bus
Stan: i was waiting 3 h until it came
Annabeth:What is your favorite big City?
Stan: only New York!
Annabeth: Cool!
Stan:What sports do you like?
Annabeth: Swiming and tennins!
Stan: Same with the tennis!
Annabeth: I need go shoping to buy a tennis ball!
Stan: I know good magazines, i can help!
Annabeth: Realy? Thank you!
Stan: I need to do so many homeworks!
Annabeth: I know, maybe il go to other school!
Stan: Okay, Bye!
№ 52269, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
нужно ответить на вопросы:
the subjects you have at school?
the traditions your school has?
the facilities that students can use at your school?
how active the students of your school are?

At our school studnes are active at sport. We like to play football nad go swiming. Some students are good at math, but other great at music. We have subjects about culture and Ethic. Our school can be be proud about our traditions. Every 1. september we go to school with flowers and festival comstume- boys have black trousers and suit, but girls have black-white shirt or dress! We all together sing our state anthem. At my school we can use benches and chairs as well as to write on the blackboard with chalk. At wchool we all are friendly and trying to be nice! I love my school!
Centos (:
№ 52485, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
man jarāxta par MY STYLE ,ludzu palidziet dodiet idejas par ko varetu rakstit, jabut do i look like
2. foot-wear
kaut vai uzrakstiet latviski tadu stastiņu :))

taka tik labi angļu valodu nezinu, uzrakstīšu latviski:
Piem varētu būt tā
Man nav noteikta stila, bet ļoti ērti jūtos dzinšenēs un t-kreklā! Uz skolu es parasti ģerbjos ikdienišķi tā lai mna būtu ērti. Mājās visbiežāk nēsāju sporta tērpu, tajā ir gan pietiekami komfortabli, gan silti. ļoti patīk botas! It īpaši kādas firmas botas, piem. nike, adidas utt! Pat ziemā nēsāju botas, jo tajās ir samērā silts. Man nepatīk ja ir kāds noteikts stils, lbk patīk dažādība...
№ 52694, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Sakāmvārds So many men, so many minds, tā skaidrojums pēc savām domām, angļu valodā!

Cik daudz cilvēku, tik daudz prātu.

Так много мужчин,так много умов

In the world are more than 6 miljard men and they all are different from each other. And each of us is thinking about something different. We all got some opinion and there are no two similar opinions in the world because everyone ir unique.



Sakāmvārds So many men, so many minds, tā skaidrojums pēc savām domām, angļu valodā!
Manuprāt sakāmvārds so many minds nozīmē daudz dažādi prāti un so many men nozīmē daudz dažādi vīrieši.
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