Atbilžu arhīvs Atbilžu arhīvs
№ 24956, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Do you feel sorry for children in Hallywood?
Is there anything about their lifes that you would like?
What is your opinion of their parents?
Do teenagers around the world think the some as Hollywood?
Do you think it is dangerous to have everything you want?

люди помогите пожалуста надо ответить на ети вопроси на английском!!о4ень нада!!!(

yes, i feel sorry.
No, my life is good, i don't need anything else.
Their parents maybe are richer, but that doesn't mean anything.
I think, that teenagers think different no matter where they are.
Oh yes, When you get anything you want, then you don't learn to how to life on you'r own.

1.No , because its their own desision.
2.Yes , I would like to be famous and rich.
3.I think their parents are a little bit sad , because they cant meet them when they want it.
4.No , because they are different people.
5.A little bit yes, because you are famous , and everybody want to see you in real.


1 Yes, of course, they are very rich and famous, i think the biggest part of people want to be what.
2 I think they are not very good parents because they want to replace parents love with money.
3 I think yes, because they do not know the true of this glory.
4 Yes, of course, many of children get off
from a mind, than they have everythig.
№ 24992, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
napisatj so4enije na temu My Famaly Tradition (budu o4enj blogodaren ) spasibo =)

My Family Tradition- failā
Apskaties risinājumu
№ 25018, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Choose the words that is different to the others. Explain why.
1. embarrassing enormous photo weird
2. web aeroplane email the Internet
3. song voice melody listen

1. photo - this is not an adjective, but all the others are.
2.aeroplane - has no link with technologies. It's a mean of transport.
3.listen - this is not a noun, it's a verb which is something like: to hear something.

1. photo -other words are adjectives
2. aeroplane, because all words are about internet, computer
3. listen -other words are nouns

1. embarrassing enormous photo weird
Here we can see three adjectives (embarrassing enormous weird) and one noun (photo). So I pick the word "photo"
2. web aeroplane email the Internet
All the words except "aeroplane" are about computers and their procceses. Aeroplane doesn't fit to this line as it is a vehicle.
3. song voice melody listen
The first 3 words are nouns, but "listen" is a verb

1, photo
2. aeoroplane
3. listen

1. embarrassing enormous photo weird (photo - it is not adjective )
2. web aeroplane email the Internet (aeroplane - it is not connected with Internet)
3. song voice melody listen (listen - it is verb, connected with human sense)
№ 25057, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Grāmata: Challenge 5. Form 9. Activity Book 1 (Matisāne V., Bučinska I.)
Uzdevuma numurs: 4


2.might, 3.can, 4.could, 5.can't, 6.could, 7.can, 8.would.
№ 25179, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Your English techer has asked you to decribe to possible jobs you might choose as a career;mention also the possible difficulties. (80-100 words)


Your English teacher has asked you to decribe two possible jobs you might choose as a career;mention also the possible difficulties. (80-100 words)

There are two jobs that I like the most, the first one is a builder, as it is a well-paid job nowadays. When I imagine myself being a builder I see huge houses that I made, it makes me being proud of what I do. However, this job has also negative points, for example, I can’t do till the end of my days because it is a phisically hard job and it is very easy to loose your health, because I will have to carry heavy things and to do other dangerous activities.
Another job I also like is an architect, in the beggining it isn’t a well-paid job and it can be very hard to find a right place for you to start your career, although later , when you have new contacts this job will feed me and all my family, maybe even better than builder’s proffesion.
Apskaties risinājumu
№ 25180, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Kathy,your English speaking pen-friend, has asked you to describe disciplines in your school. In your letter, tell her about three most common problems and what to do to make your school a more friendly place. ( about 150words )

Zdesj chutj po-bolj6e, 4em 150, zdesj okolo 250. Na 150 temu slozno razvernutj. Pere4itajte pozalujsta i mozete sokratitj, chto vam pokazetsja ne sovsem nuznim.
Apskaties risinājumu
№ 25241, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
pomogite najti so4enenie na temu "my favorite group'' i ewo nado "my family traditions" o4enj budu blagodaren

My famaly traditons sk. failaa
Apskaties risinājumu



My family traditions

Christmas means a lot of things to a lot of people.
For children, it means presents. For some older people, it means spending money on gifts for a commercialized celebration that hold no true meaning, while other people view it as a celebration of the birth of Jesus.
Maybe it is your tradition to celebrate, and maybe it is your tradition not to celebrate. Either way, it’s a tradition, and these traditions are what make this time of the year special.
My family has a couple “family-at-large” traditions. My father’s side of my family usually gathers together on Christmas day for a meal and gift exchange.
We typically get together with my mother’s side of the family, which generally consists of my aunt and uncle, my grandfather, and my cousins from that side of the family, on a day during the Christmas season.

Turp. sk. failaa
Apskaties risinājumu

DJ Kalle
DJ Kalle
DJ Kalle
My favourite group Scorpions
With a musical style similar to Bon Jovi or Def.Leppard, the Scorpions have fully explored the world of rock & roll throughout their long career. Known best for their 1984 anthem "Rock You Like a Hurricane" and the 1990 ballad "Wind of Change", the German rockers have sold well over 22 million records, making them one of the most successful rock bands to ever come out of continental Europe.

Turp. sk. failaa
Apskaties risinājumu
№ 25253, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
So4enenie i opisanie pro druga na ang jazike!


Tvoja Psihi4ka
Tvoja Psihi4ka
Tvoja Psihi4ka
I have a fiend. Her name is Liza. She has long black , curly hair . Also she has small nose and a very beautiful smile. Her tooth are very white. She is very funny and always wears some interesting and colouerful things. She writes very beautiful poems. She always is laugthing and smiling. She is a very good friend.

I have good friend, his name is (****). He is very smart and interesting man!
He has brown eyes, black hair and he is tall. He loves read books and write latters to friends. He always smile, and he every day says: "I can always make you smile!" He is my best firend, becouse I am his best friend:)!
(*****) Is best firend on the world!
№ 25355, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
Надо написать сочинение....Твой любимый город.....1) Где находиться.........2)Описание зданий, улиц, известных объектов......3) Описание ресторанов и магазинов.......4)Описать какие люди......На английском....Плиииз

My favority city is Paris. It is a capital of France, It is very interesting city. there are many architectural monuments. For example very famous and great Elfer towel or Nother dam de Paris and of course paris boutique in the old houses. It all is great historical property, great city. Paris it is city of age-old houses and new engineering idea. People there is veru kind and similar. They do not like fervor and glamour.

My favourite city.

my favourite city is Riga. Riga is the first bigest city in Latvia. riga is near an see. Riga is in the midle in the Latvia. there have much latvians in Riga. Riga is the beautiful city. there are much Latvian stars in the Riga. The best cafe is the LIDO and it is in the Riga. I like Riga because Riga is the must beautiful andbigest city in Latvia. Riga is the best!!!!!

London has been a capital city for nearly a thousand years, and many of its ancient buildings still stand. The most famous of these are the Tower of London (where the Crown Jewels are kept), Westminster Abbey and St. Pals Cathedral, but most visitors also want to see the House of Parliament, Buckingham Palace and the many magnificent museums. Once, London was a small Roman town on the north bank of the Thames, but slowly it grew into one of the world's major cities with more than seven million people. Fewer people live in the centre now, but the suburbs are still growing. Places now in the heart of London once stood in the middle of green fi
№ 25359, Angļu valoda, 9 klase
написать сочинение на тему "My Future"


Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school. As for me I have made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher or the Russian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't come as sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I have read a lot of books by Russian and foreign writers. I
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