| Meklēšanas rezultāti - 'where can people' | № 20492, Angļu valoda, 5 klase small poem about irish people and irish life???? | | |
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 Sergikkk | Part 2 A Hitchhiker for a guide
While traveling through Ireland, I often enough had passengers - local people hitchhiking home, to their jobs or wherever else. Some were silent people, but many of them more than a bit chatty ... must have been my charm =^^= Among the many I met, I will mention two here ... but I'm grateful for all I met - they showed my sides of Ireland I would have never discovered otherwise, and blessed me with many insights about Ireland, Irish people, life, women, men, love, sheep, whiskey, God, sisters-in-law and so much more... some quite dazzling, others... oh well ^^; ... at least it never got boring. The first passengers I took with me were actually two young girls on their way to the next village where they wanted to meet some friends. It was on my second day in Ireland - I was still struggling a bit with the English language and especially the Irish accent, but those two young ladies helped me a lot and in a very charming way... not just with my struggles with English. Be it that they told me about how the Irish tend to ignore all speed limits - while in recent years the police started to enforce the same more strictly (this early warning probably saved me from quite a few speeding tickets ^^;), how hitchhiking is normal (at least in rural areas of Ireland), where to look for good and tasty food in the area, or gave me my first insights in Irish social life in the more rural areas of the island... while I told them about Germany and shared my lunch with them, as they shared their drinks with me. I'm still glad that I gave them a lift that hot day on a small road in the middle of nowhere ... for it was the beginning of meeting many interesting people. The second passenger I will tell about was really 'one in a million' ^^; ... born in Ireland, he lived in England just to come back since 'nothing's like Ireland, you know'. He worked in Galway, but lived in a small village somewhere in Connemara - and his car had been stolen a few days ago. I drove him almost right in front of his doorstep, but first we made a few detours ... since he offered me to show his part of Connemara to me ... explaining the breathtaking sights on the way. I doubt that I would have ever seen half of the beauty of this rugged county without his help, nor ever got to know even a quarter of what he told me ... and not just about the places he showed me. In the hours we drove through Connemara, we chatted about countless things ... about topics like: 'The Irish and The English' ('Of course there are still some English around here - well, they are Irish, but they are still English' ... at least that is the summarization of about half an hour ^^;) ... 'Irish people are not superstitious' (ten minutes later he pointed out a house to me which is haunted ... half an hour later we talked about how different places have different vibes...) ... 'Religion in Ireland' ('I'm catholic - it comes with the passport' ^^;) ... 'Energy in Ireland' (after a short chat about the situation in Ireland I was practically invited with my company - the one which is into alternative energy systems - to re-settle in Ireland ... remember - all Irish people _own_ their entire island!) ... and on and on ... I can't help but smile again while remembering this drive through Connemara. So if you have a good intuition about people, are not shy to meet new friends ('A stranger is a friend you haven't met yet') ... give some of the hitchhikers on your way a ride, you will be blessed with insights, sights and experiences you will never find otherwise ... and make their day a bit easier =^^= Food and other stuff There are things most people will hardly notice or think about - but I tend to enjoy even seemingly small things with all my heart... and there were many seemingly small things that made my journey all the more fun and pleasant. As I will happily admit, I can't shake off my German roots. One of these roots is that I'm addicted to bread - we shouldn't be called 'krauts', we should be called 'breads' ^^; When traveling through other countries, this is one of the very few things I really tend to miss - good bread, not just standard toast and some white bread you get nearly everywhere in the world. In Germany, we have countless kinds of bread ... if you can bake bread from something or something can be baked into bread - we will try it. During my journey through Ireland, a special kind of Irish brown bread was my constant companion - I had found a bread that was considered worthy of my German tastes! *_* While others went to pubs in villages for lunch, I often enough sat down somewhere in the middle of nowhere, enjoying the sight(s) around me and my lunch - brown bread with butter ^^; I will be the first one to admit that I love good food ... and in Ireland I got a lot of it ... salmon, prawns, crabs ... fresh lamb ... tasty meals made from potatoes ... Ireland is an experience for the eyes with it's beautiful landscape (and sometimes really pretty girls ^_~), an experience for the nose with it's varied scents, an experience for the ears with the music and sometimes really chatty inhabitants ... and the taste buds have no reason to complain either. Talking about music ... Ireland is the only land in the world with a musical instrument as it's symbol - the harp - well for a reason. Wherever I went, there was a good chance to be greeted by music ... not just music from a stereo in almost every shop and pub ... but also life music in the pubs, people singing or humming to themselves ... music and poetry run deep in Ireland. I always loved Celtic music ranging from Alan Stivell to The Dubliners ... but my love became even deeper while traveling through Ireland ... where music is still alive. There were many other little things during my journey that made me smile ever-so-often ... how I was often enough mistaken for a local or at least for an Irish girl (I tend to adapt rather quickly and blend in quite well ^^;) ... the little quirks of Irish people in general and in particular (to give an example - if someone in Ireland greets you with tilting his head to the side and maybe even winking at you - don't think anything wrong, he's just greeting you the Irish way) ... the special style of Irish humor ... sheeps blocking the road for five minutes..ten minutes.. fifteen minutes.. ... the famous Irish rain and fog (I had many warm and sunny days during my stay, but the rainy days - hoooo boy.. I think I grew at least an inch in this rich Irish rain ^^;) ... chatting away for minutes or hours with shopkeepers, local people, guests in a pub, policemen on the street.. ... or enjoying complete silence and no people around me as far as I could see in a wide land for hours. There are truly many little things that make traveling through Ireland even more worthwhile, if you take the time to enjoy them | | |
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 renchinja |
Part 2 A Hitchhiker for a guide While traveling through Ireland, I often enough had passengers - local people hitchhiking home, to their jobs or wherever else. Some were silent people, but many | | |
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 Anjutik | Irish people like having fun, and have many words to describe this national propensity. Even 'fun' has its own word - the crack2. Irish people are known to talk. A lot. ''The Irish people like to work hard and they like to play hard
Generally Irish society is very different now. In 1950s Ireland people were leaving to work, nowadays people are coming to Ireland to work. Huge Polish community here now, and many other Eastern European nationalities are here too. Most Irish are Catholics and have a devotion to the Blessed Mother. Irish are very very smart, especially the ones who do not drink. They work very hard. You will not ever find a harder worker employee than an Irish who does not drink. In Ireland the woman run the household and the money, etc. Irish are prone to arguments and do have quick tempers. They are very funny. They do not seem to be all that materialistic compared to the other ethnicities. there are a lot of alcoholics, and yelling fish wives and superstitious Irish, but I don't think it's really more so than in any other culture. There were signs here in the US that said things like "No Irish Need Apply" for jobs and housing because of the discrimination against the Irish in the US for so long based on these stereotypes. We're not all bog hoppers, paddys and mics either! My mom's family laugh and say "lace curtain" or "shanty" Irish. We get our houses and cars blest, and do some superstitious stuff. And, of course, we have tons of cops and firemen in our family.... lol I guess we are a little stereotypical in some ways! :)
Look this chat
Te daudz informaaciju par īrijas cilvekiem. | | |
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 Sandra | Irish Literature I. Introduction
Irish Literature, literature written either in Gaelic (see Celtic Languages) or in English by writers of Irish birth who remain identified with Irish life and culture. For discussions of the work of those Irish-born writers in English who are closely identified with English life and literature—such as Jonathan Swift, Oliver Goldsmith, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, George Bernard Shaw, Oscar Wilde, and James Joyce—see Drama and Dramatic Arts: Western Theatre; English Literature; and articles under the names of individual writers. For a discussion of Irish literature in Gaelic, see Gaelic Literature
Turpinājums -> http://au.encarta.msn.com/text_761566508__1/Irish_Literature.html | |
| | № 21818, Angļu valoda, 8 klase Короче мне нужно сочинение по английскому на тему Дом моей мечты | | |
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 lera | This is my dream house v2 it got: A swiming pool,water pump,a litle park,a big park,a garage,big party house,training center,gym,footbal stadium,a helipad and alot more.
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 doh's | My dream house
I approach the island on which my dream house waits. It is huge, and is the most beautiful building in the area. My private plane lands on the air strip next to the house. I get out of the plane and start going to my dream house. There are the most beautiful trees and plants you have ever seen. It is peaceful but you can hear the sounds of birds. I continue to walk along the path .My house is a four story dream on a huge lot. I approach the stairs at the entrance to the house I am surrounded by four columns leading to the most elegant doors I have ever seen. I continue going around the house I am now looking over the Pacific Ocean. I look down and see the ocean I can see a ship which is mine. The house walls are old and the all house looks like a castle. I walk into the back yard I am surrounded by best things everyone could imagine. Well not quite everything, but a lot of things. I walk toward the road and I see a basketball court. To the left of the basketball court is a tennis court. There is a bar in between the two to take a break at between games. On the opposite side of the yard there is a swimming pool that is connected to the pool inside the house. When I go in I see many beautiful pictures hanging on the walls, I have bought them on some auctions. There are many huge rooms in my house. I see all the people who are working in my house. I am the princess of this house. I can find the all the best things in my house. Everyday I have a party in my house, usually at the basement, there I have my own DJ. I have many friends who come to my house everyday. There is a huge bathroom in my house with a giant bubble bath where I relax. Actually I have the coolest house in the world, because the house upgrades are made every day. | |
| № 21850, Angļu valoda, 12 klase 1)my favourite music.2)my favourite movie.2 so4inenija,nuzno otkritj temu | | |
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 bavarde | You would be surprised how many people judge and descrimenate Marshall Mathers *Eminem*. He has been protested against and hated on throughout the most important years of his life- the years that he will remember for the rest of his life. Marshall was born in Detroit Michigan, 1974 and lived there for most of his childhood. He moved once to Kansas but moved back soon after, into a black neighborhood where he did the rest of his growing. Marshall was the source of so many fights when he was in school, and he often got hurt- he was once hit so badly that he was knocked out and unconcous. He was put in a hospital for five days untill they thought he was well enough to leave. It wasn't till 1990 when Marshall started rap at a place called the Hip Hop Shop where he would preform for an audience doing rap battles. For those of you who think Eminem was a crack addict or drug dealer, you're so totally and completly wrong. On October 25 1995 Eminem and his girlfriend Kim Scott, gave birth to their new baby girl, Halie- Aside from the embarrasing parts of the story which I won't say, he wasn't able to support his family for some private reasons and was found un-employed and not doing well with rap... so he attempted a new album "Slim Shady EP" as his last hope to make it. THE ALBUM WAS A HIT! His new CD sold more that 1.76 million copies in the first week. The now rich and famouse Eminem is now one of America's biggest rappers and he has finally gotten what he had worked so hard on. Good for you Slim! He loves his daughter so much and even made a song for her...*Halie's Song*- My favorite song,the best song in the world! And now I'm ending this essay with this- I hope you've learned a lot from this touching story and realized that Eminem might have written some songs that you don't agree with, but the way he sings is his fellings and his opinion...and I'm saying this in the nicest possible way- for those of you who have a problem with him, can just stick it up your asses. Thax and Byebye! | | |
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 Anjutik | My Favorite Music The Beatles The wonderful group from Liverpool - John, Paul, George and Ringo - the Beatles, is in my opinion one of the best things that have happened in music in the twentieth century. They have written and performed great songs of many different generes in about a decade of their existance. After the group has broken up, its members, most noticably John Lennon, have continued writing and singing wonderful songs. I can't really say which of the Beatles songs I like the best. I like the quiet songs (like "The Fool on the Hill", and "Julia"), the louder songs (like "Happiness is a Warm Gun"), the famous songs (like "When I'm 64"), and even many of the earlier songs (like "If I Fell"). Since I have on CD all the 15 Beatles albums, I can safely say that each and every one of them is worth having. Classical Music I really love to listen to classical music, from the Baroque and earier, to twentieth century orchestral music like Mahler's. I have a large collection of classical CDs, to which I usually listen at least an hour a day. My collection includes pieces by over 80 composers, and I really like many of them. However, my personal favorite composer is probably Ludwig van Beethoven (whose picture you can see on the right), who has written countless beautiful pieces. Some of the other composers I like are Dvorak, Tchaikowski, and Schubert, but as I said there are many other very good composers. Besides being beautiful, relaxing, and complex, the best thing about classical music is that I can listen to the same piece over and over, enjoying it more instead of getting tried of it.
My favourite movie There are so many ways that we can judge what makes a movie "great": the acting, the direction, the script, the importance or significance of the movie, how many awards it's won . . . My personal definition of a great movie is one that I love to watch over and over again without getting tired of. Therefore, this list of my favourite movies is not meant to represent anyone but myself. You can agree or disagree. Here are my favourites, along with a little bit about why I love them so much. Also note that this list is continually evolving. So here they are, in no particular order: My favourite movie is Gone With the Wind (Unesennije vetrom) This has everything: love, war, the passing of a gentile era, chivalry, passion, loyalty, betrayal, I could go on & on. My favorite since age 12. Never goes out of style, a classic–memorable lines, unforgettable characters, suspense, drama, gayety. The world needs Rhett and Scarlett in every generation!
Gone with the Wind is a sprawling mosaic of a picture, one of the best-loved and most successful in movie history, but also one of the most frustrating. Wonderfully epic in scope, the decline and fall of the antebellum South as seen through the eyes of feisty, independent and wilful heroine Scarlett O'Hara makes the first half of the picture an absolutely riveting spectacle. From the aristocratic old world of Tara to the horrors of Atlanta under siege, Gone with the Wind features any number of indelible scenes and images: the genteel girls taking an enforced siesta during the Twelve Oaks barbecue, a horrified Scarlett walking through the wounded, the flight from burning Atlanta, and Scarlett's moving pledge against a burnished sunset set to Max Steiner's glorious music score. But the second half shifts gear, the melodramatic quotient is upped yet further as tragedy piles upon tragedy, and despite its unwieldy length everything feels rushed. Add to that the central problem that the audience never really understands, why Scarlett could ever fall for weak-chinned Ashley in the first place, and the picture begins to unravel unsatisfactorily. Behind the scenes problems doubtless contributed, with directors coming and going, Vivien Leigh and Clark Gable apparently barely able to stand the sight of each other, and producer David O Selznick's endless rewrites and interference. Nonetheless, this 1939 box-office smash remains one of Hollywood's finest achievements, an irresistible spectacle chock-full of the finest stars in the filmic firmament striking sparks off one another. They really don't make 'em like this anymore. | |
| № 22030, Angļu valoda, 5 klase mY favorite food, and instruction) | | |
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 PINK_Pamella | My favorite food is chicken and lamb , i can tell who i really love it , because it is very tasty , and not so bad for healthy . It just wonderfull and brilliant ! | | |
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 agent. | I love tasting various ethnic foods in addition to traditional Japanese dishes. Especially I love eating good quality of sushi. I and my family used to go to a sushi restaurant called "Kaburaya" at Nagayama, Higashi-miyuki-cho, Toyohashi. It serves a great/fresh collection of Kaiseki-style sushi (a traditional sushi dish) in a comfortable and friendly facility. We are missing it very much since we moved to Otsu-shi, Shiga-ken in March, 1998. We may have to find the alternative. Now we are staying in Vancouver and find many ethnic food restaurants so we are happy to experience a variety of ethnic foods here.
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 irina | 7. Speak about foods you like and dislike. Describe any recipe.
Meals play an important role in human life. Because it contained indispensable ingredients for life activity of our organism. Such as dioxides, fats, minerals and vitamins. They are contained in fish, vegetables, fruits, meat and other food stuffs . To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat buiscuits, toasts, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste . For dinner we eat some soup, salad and fowl, fish or meat with garnish. Many people have to eat out of home in restaurants or in cafes . In such places you can order French fries, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, crisps, pizza and many others, but these meals are very harmful for our health. For the last 10 years in Moscow and in over big cities appeared a lot of restaurants and fast-food cafes. And with each year them becomes ever more. The old restaurants, such as Prague, were advanced, and at the same time has appeared a lot of new. From a net of restaurants of a fast feed(meal) by first has appeared McDonalds, and then Russian bistro Sbarro, Ёlki palki, Patio pizza and т.д Such trade marks as McDonalds , Sbarro and Patio a pizza are known all over the world, and in what you to the country would not be , whether it be Russia, Great Britain or USA quality of meal and е ё of assortment in these restaurants everywhere identical. And such restaurants as Russian bistro and елки палки are only in Russia, and were created on an image and similarity of McDonalds. each of these restaurants has firm dish. For example McDonalds associates with Big Mag Sbarro and Patio a pizza offer very tasty pizzas, in Russian bistro a wide range of pies made on the Russian recipe. But the cheapest and qualitative meal can be found in McDonalds. In Russia unfortunately price level in restaurants of a fast food, and in expensive restaurants very strongly differs and many people simply are not capable to pay the accounts. In Great Britain and in USA considerably more people can visit restaurants. Plus to all service in restaurants of Russia can not be compared with European yet. Also nowadays many restaurants give services in delivery of their most known dishes directly to you home. For this purpose it is necessary only to call and to name that want. In Europe this system exists for a long time, and in Russia it has appeared absolutely recently. In Moscow besides restaurants with Russian there are the restaurants with the Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Turkish and Spanish kitchen witch use the large popularity. But it is not enough of them and the prices same are accessible not to all . As besides restaurants it is possible to find set of tents in streets of Moscow selling hot meal, but the quality of it very doubtful. I hope that in due course will occur ever more and more restaurants offering tasty, qualitative and useful meal. 5. Speak about foods you like and dislike. Describe any recipe.
Meals play an important role in human life. Because it contained indispensable ingredients for life activity of our organism. Such as dioxides, fats, minerals and vitamins. They are contained in fish, vegetables, fruits, meat and other food stuffs . To be healthy man should eat 3 times a day. For lunch people usually eat buiscuits, toasts, sandwiches, cheese and drink coffee or tea with cream and sugar accordingly to your taste . For dinner we eat some soup, salad and fowl, fish or meat with garnish. Many people have to eat out of home in restaurants or in cafes . In such places you can order French fries, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, crisps, pizza and many others, but these meals are very harmful for our health. There are people who like salty and spicy or sweet food. Also we all like roasted and grilled food , but such it is also very harmful . Nowadays a lot of people believe that only healthy food must be eaten. They don’t eat spaghetti, chops, sausages, grilled meat fish, fowl. They prefer to eat boiled and stewed vegetables such as cabbage, cauliflower, egg-plants, carrots. They certainly eat meat and fish but only boiled. Also there are people who don’t eat meat or fowl at all . They are vegetarians. But it isn’t good, because in fish and in meat there are some ingredients without which our health won’t be strong. In all big cities you can find Indian, Chinese Japanese and other oriental restaurants . Nowadays you can order you favourite meals by telephone, but despite it a lot of people like to cook themselves .Before cooking something you must buy some food stuffs. In big cities there are supermarkets and department stores where you can buy everything you need in daily life: from a tooth brush up to cars and furniture. Certainly you can buy there any you food stuffs. like Also there are food shops and markets. In markets it is better to buy greens, vegetables and fruits. Meat, fowl and fish it is safer to bay in shops because they must be kept refrigerator. As for me I like salty and spicy food . For example I’ll never refuse to eat grilled meat or stuffed egg-plants. I like caviar, shrimps, pate, bacon, cold pork. Hot Dogs.
Tad Dorgan, a sports cartoonist, gave the frankfurter its nickname in 1906. Munching on a frank at a baseball game, he concluded that it resembled a dachshund’s body and put that whimsy into a drawing, which he captioned “Hot dog”. Sausages go all the way back to ancient Babylon, but the hot dog was brought to the U.S.A. shortly before the Civil War by a real Frankfurter – Charles Feltman, a native of Frankfurt, Germany, who opened a stand in New York and sold grilled sausages on warmed rolls – first for a dime apiece, later, a nickel. The frank appealed to busy Americans, who – as an early 19th century comment put it – tend to live by the maxim of “gobble, gulp and go”. Nowadays Americans consume more than 12 billion frankfurters a year.
Modern hamburgers on a bun were first served at the St. Louis Fair in 1904, but Americans really began eating them in quantity in the 1920s, when the White Castle snack bar chain featured a small, square patty at a very low price. Chopped beef, tasty and easily prepared, quickly caught on as family fare, and today hamburger stands, drive-ins, and burger chains offer Americans their favorite hot sandwich at every turn. The history of the hamburger dates back to medieval Europe. A Tartar dish of shredded raw beef seasoned with salt and onion juice was brought from Russia to Germany by early German sailors. The lightly broiled German chopped-beef cake, with pickles and pumpernickel on the side, was introduced to America in the early 1800s by German immigrants in the Midwest.
It was early Dutch settlers and the Pennsylvania Germans who introduced the yeasty, deep-fried doughnut to America. To the Dutch it was a festive food, eaten for breakfast on Shrove Sunday. Legend has it that doughnut got its hole in 1847 when Hanson Gregory, a lad later to become a sea captain, complained to his mother that her fried cakes were raw in the center and poked hole4s in the next batch before they were cooked. During World War I, when the Salvation Army served them to the troops, doughnuts really took off as popular fare. Since then, coffee and doughnuts become a national institution. Stores sell them plain, sugared, frosted, honey-dipped, or jam-filled.
Apple pie
At its best, with a savory filling and crisp, light-brown crust, apple pie has long been favorite on American tables. Apples and apple seems were among the precious supplies the early colonists brought to the New World. The first large apple orchards were planted near Boston by William Blaxton in the 1600s. When he moved to Rhode Island in 1635, he developed the tart Rhode Island Greening, still considered one of America’s finest apple pies. As the fruit became abundant, many settlers ate apple pie at every meal. Garnished with a chunk of cheese, it was a favorite colonial breakfast dish. By the 18th century apple pie became so popular that Yale College in New Haven served it every night at supper for more than 100 years. America’s love affair with apple pie has remained constant. Today’s housewives, pressed for time, can shortcut the tradition by buying the pastry ready-made at bakeries and supermarkets. Many variation on the good old original are available, but the classical apple pie, irresistible when topped with a slice of rat-trap cheese or slathered with vanilla ice cream, is still America’s favorite. Potato chips.
George Crumb, an American Indian who was the chef at Moon’s Lake House in Saratoga Springs, New York, in the mid-19th century, was irked when a finicky dinner guest kept sending back his French fried potatoes, complaining they were too thick. In exasperation, Crumb shaved the potatoes into tissue-thin slice and deep-fried them in oil. He had a dishful of crisp “Saratoga chips” presented to the guest, who was delighted with the new treat. Potato chips became the specialty of Moon’s Lake House and, later, America’s crunchiest between-meal snack.
America’s best known soft drink was first concocted by an Atlanta pharmacist in 1886. The syrup was cooked up by John S. Pemberton from extracts of coca leaves and the kola nut. He then organized the Pemberton Chemical Company, and Coca-Cola syrup mixed with plain water was sold in a local drug-store for 5 cents a glass. Sales were slow until in 1887 a prosperous Atlanta druggist, Asa G. Candler, bought the Coca-Cola formula – then as now a carefully guarded secret – and added carbonate water to the syrup instead of plain water. Advertisement stressing the words “delicious” and “refreshing” and carry coupons for free Coca-Cola added to the increase in consumption. A system of independent local bottling companies was developed, and the flared bottle, familiar worldwide and said to resemble the hobble skirt, was designed in 1916. In 1919 the company was sold out for $25 million to a group headed by Ernest Woodruff. Under his son, Robert W. Woodruff, Coca-Cola rapidly expanded its market. By the mid-1970s more than 150 million Cokes a day were sold in country all over the world. Today Coca-Cola has to compete with many other soft drinks, but it is still one of the symbols of the United States. | | |
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 CheRry | My favorite food is potatoes with meet. The first take a potatoes and peel it. The second boil it. The third take a meet and fry it. Finaly enjoy it. | |
| № 22412, Angļu valoda, 6 klase сочинение по англисеому на тему твоя професия | | |
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 bavarde | http://bobych.ru/english/job.11.html http://bobych.ru/english/job.10.html http://bobych.ru/english/job.12.html | | |
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 НастЬ.ка | http://bobych.ru/english/job.5.html
Ну крч...вот.... http://bobych.ru/english/job.html | | |
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 Artem | Finishing school is the beginning of the independent life for millions of school leavers. Many roads are open before them: technical schools, institutes and universities. But it is not easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2000 existing in the world. Some pupils follow the advice of their parents, others can't decide even after leaving school. As for me I have made my choice long ago. I want to become a teacher or the Russian language and literature. My choice of this occupation didn't come as sudden flash. During all school years literature was my favourite subject. I have read a lot of books by Russian and foreign writers. I | | |
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 agent. | Management in one or another form always existed where people worked the group. Even personalities were needed in the most ancient community, which co-ordinated and directed activity of the groups (the collection of the food, construction жилища and etc.). Previously than select management in independent area of expertise, mankind on scintilla accumulated the experience of management.
The Manager this leader and beside it always there are subordinated. The Manager can be a businessman that is to say manage the own deal, but can be a mercenary workman. The Manager can manage commercial or nonprofit organization. The Managers lead st | |
| | № 23361, Angļu valoda, 11 klase publiskā runa. | | |
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 Anjutik |
Whether a man has earned contemptuous attitude only for that he is stranger after a skin paint or sexual orientation? In latter days actual this question becomes not only in the world, but also in Latvia, much more in Latvia can meet people with other skin paint and ethnic origin, and in Latvia of immigrants will become yet more, because to us labour force will begin to disembogue from various states, where men are different both visual and in its traditions, and a question appears me or we are ready to accept them? Statistics testifies, that 1 year before at spring have taken place a few incidents, which causing by an intolerance. Can mention as I try, when a few youths attacked an in Riga working cook of Indians and beat unmercifully it. A police for this fact excited a criminal case for hooliganism with cause of flesh damages. This incident took place in early evening and in a place, in which finds much man, thus showing public indifference against racism. And such case become more and we can draw conclusion, that men, what look different from its ethnic origin, in Latvia can not feel boldly, and racism however becomes actual also in Latvia and this there is to pay a proper attention, that it can this effective to prevent us first of all we must fight against an intolerance, which foundation prejudices are in, as also, human uncertainty for themselves and its future, what lays to look over threats in other. For all that we must be tolerant against the others, that how different we are not, as also we must not to forget that we live in a democratic state, in which basic a sign is man and human equality. There must be a positive public of leniency examples, because, who else makes forms this public, if not us. Therefore we will be lenient one against the second, and will allow other to live in Latvia, unbeing afraid from an insult for skin paint.
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 irina |
Vai cilvēks ir pelnījis nicinošu attieksmi tikai par to,ka viņš ir savādāks pēc ādas krāsas vai seksuālaās orientācijas? Pēdējā laikā aktuāls kļūst šis jautājums ne tikai pasaulē,bet arī Latvijā, jo arvien vairāk Latvijā sastopami cilvēki ar citu ādas krāsu un etnisko izcelsmi, un imigrantu Latvijā kļūs vēl vairāk,jo pie mums sāks ieplūst darbaspēks no dažādām valstīm,kur cilvēki atsķiras gan vizuāli,gan savās tradīcijās, un man rodas jautājums vai mēs esam gatavi viņus pieņemt?
Turp. failaa | |
| № 24373, Angļu valoda, 10 klase taaatad. man vajadzeeetu nelielu staastinju anglju valodaaa BRIIVA teeema apmeeram 200 vaaardi vai bik mazaaak esejas veidaa (ievads ,iztirzaajums ,nobeigums ar secinaajumu ) . ljoti vienkaarshiem teikumies , nekaa sarezhgiiita ;) | | |
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 Stasja |
Modern music is very different from the music of the past centuries. But in all times people expressed their feelings and emotions with the help of music. The world of music is boundless and all people are not alike, that's why there are so many various styles in music and everyone can choose what he wants to listen. As for me, I prefer rock, punk and a little bit metal genres of music. This kind of music is melodic, rhythmic and the biggest parts of songs have a deep sense – that is the difference from popular music. Electric guitar, bass guitar, keyboards and drums are the main music instrument here, that’s why singers must have a strong and powerful voice. Many people think that such music - is only screaming and very loud, but I don’t think so. They just don't understand the natural meaning of that music. I like many singers and bands, but my favourite singer is Valeriy Kipelov. He can play Russian folk instrument - the bayan. :DDD I find him very talented. All my music I keep in my computer. I have almost all albums, video’s and concert records of Aria and Kipelov, but I am not crazy or mad about them, I don’t write letters or join any fan clubs. I find it foolish. Music plays a big role in my life: When I listen to music I relax, music helps me to keep a good mood. Sometimes it helps to let my negative emotions out or to charge with good emotions. My parents bought me a guitar on my birthday, so now I learn to play it. I want to learn it because I want sing for my friends. That's not such easy as it shown on TV in various music clips. I don’t want to link my job with music, it is just my hobby. I enjoy visiting concerts: It’s a good chance to listen to live, acoustic and high quality music and you can also have a good time with friends and meet new interesting people and see your favourite singer (as) close (as your English lesson teacher.).
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 Gusti | BOOKS IN OUR LIFE «Books and friends should be few but good», says an English proverb. «Except a living man there is nothing more wonderful than a book! The book is certainly one of the greatest inventions of man. It is a friend and a teacher. We learn many things by reading books. Books teach people to live. The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and our characters. It gives us an opportunity to imagine the future, to look into the past. One can learn a lot by reading books. There are a lot of libraries in our country, where we can choose any book we need. Everyone has the right to use public libraries. The librarian is always ready to help you to find a book on any subject. Talks, exhibitions and other events take place in libraries. Except reading special and scientific literature it is a great pleasure to read belles-lettres. Different people like to read different kinds of it. It depends on one's taste and character. Some people prefer detectives or science fiction. Others like historical books. Girls and women prefer love stories. Children like comics very much. As for me, I prefer to read science fiction. It is very interesting and exciting for me as my hobby is computing. I read that some scientists think that without the computer the 21st century would be impossible. Computers are penetrating all spheres of human activity. In many of them they become indispensable. They calculate orbits, guide spaceships and planes, play chess, teach pupils, house wives to choose a menu. We often her that the increasing flood of information will be one of the problems of the 21st century. A computer may help to solve it too. It’s hard enumerate all the uses the computer may be put too. To my mind any books are our best friends. We must treat them with care and they will give us a lot of pleasure.
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| № 24417, Angļu valoda, 8 klase Сочинение на тему " Что такое школа" | | |
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 Marchix | What exatcly is school ?
School for every person is something different, but in direct way it is a place where young people, like me, are getting education. Every year meaning of school is changing. At first it's a fun place where you have less learning then having fun with your schoolmate. Affter some time school is becoming a most importat period of your life. Becouse soon we all will do exams, and results will effect our life. And 9. grade is our first big choise. We need to choose what we will do in future, maybe go somewhere and learn something new, or continue learning ir secondary school. All these 9 or 12 years school is like our second home, where we have some responsibility's and all the time we are learning a lot of things, that are making us ready for real life. School is not all about books and learning stuff, but about friendship, friends, first love, school life, party's. Lot of things first time happen in school, so lot of memories will be in our thoughts. And affter all these things we can say, that school is our first big step, second home or everything that you want, like i said before, for everybody it's different.
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 Anjutik | School is the traditional place for acculturating children into our national life. In the modern age, the role assigned to our schools is to prepare children for the literate public culture. Some students like school, others don't; but they all study for eleven years and gain knowledge by doing different tasks. For students who are doing well in most subjects and who want to get higher education, school is an attractive place. But those who are not successful at school, and who are always pressed by teachers and their parents, school is boring and uninteresting.
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| № 24467, Angļu valoda, 8 klase sveiki!vaidziga eseja par teemu Relationships in the family. 150-250 vaardi.luudzu atraak.tikai angliski | | |
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 easty |
A relationship is built upon the understanding between two people, but it can have very different meanings, because there are several kinds of relationship. Mostly when we talk about relationship we think about the relationship between a man and a woman, because we think it is natural. In the most cases one of them or both fall in love with each other, but there are exceptions when they can be best friends, neighbors or just know each other. People have important relationship (family, friends) and not so important (classmates, workmates, acquaintances). We all want to keep relationship good both with family and friends, but there are times we must decide which of them are more important to us. Not all the relationship are lucky there are times when a relationship can go bad because there is no understanding, lack of communication, and a feeling of distance in the relationship. Many people like long-distance relationship but I am not one of them. For me the most important is my family. I try to keep good relationship with all my family members, my father, mother and my two sisters. There are times we all argue but after all we calm down and everything is all right. In general I would say the best contact I have with my older sister because we understand each other, we can talk about everything, we don’t have any secrets, that’s great, that’s why I like to spend time with her. Also very important for me is to spend much time with my friends. I have many friends but only few of them are very close to me, and I now I can always count on them, I know that they won’t let me down. Usually I meet with them at the weekends, when I got some spare time; we are laughing together, and having fun. We are talking a lot about many interesting things. Almost all of my friends are on the same age as me, or older, because I don’t like to commune with people who are younger, because they have other interests, of course there are exceptions. There are two important things to me, family and friends, they are closest people that I have, and I’m always trying to keep good communications with both. So relationship is unalienable part of our lives. We should all keep and hold it.
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 appendigz |
The family is very important as a unit in our society. Nothing else but family can be an emotional center of people's life, can be a transmitter of culture and raising children. Every mother feels great affection for her children and tries to bring them up in a proper way. Understanding between the members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationship. Tenderness, warm-heartedness and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly. A lot of activities help members of the family to be on friendly terms: discussing all the family plans together, going on trips hikes together, visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions and exchanging opinions about them, sharing the same joys and sorrows. If you think of the others in the family you show your love and attention in everyday life, you can hurt them if you are selfish, not sincere and rude. It is very important to visit relatives on holidays, on birthdays, on anniversaries and develop close relationship. We feel more affection for our relatives when we are parted from them. The proverb says, " /Absence makes the heart grow fonder". When the family is friendly, everybody has the warmed feelings of returning home where dear relatives are waiting for them. There are different opinions on how children should be treated if they disobey their parents, break the rules, do forbidden things, don't keep their words or promises. Some people think that parents should be patient, kind and understanding. The rules and children's behaviors are discussed in such families. But others believe that children ought always to obey the parents and if they won't they should be punished. From my point of view, such principles won't do a lot of good. Fear and punishment will lead to selfishness, cruelty and lies. But "love and kindness will save the world". We are the family of two. I live with my mother. We don't have such problems as misunderstanding between the members of the family. I think that it is due to the age of my parents and their character. My mother is 40 years old, she is layer. She is a kind, clever and responsible woman. My mother always ready to give me necessary information, moral support and a good advice. It is common knowledge that there is no place like a home. We are dedicated to our homes, we give them much love, care and enthusiasm. A man's house is his castle. I like my home and I want to tell you more about it. I live in Kuprijanov st. in center of our city. We moved into this flat several years ago. Now it is a place where I feel it ease and enjoy every minute of my stay there. We have a washing-machine, a vacuum cleaner, a refrigerator, a freezer, hand-mixer, computer and other things which I consider to be quite necessary as they make our life easier and help to solve a lot of problems in the shortest possible time. We have 2 rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. When you drop into our flat you come into a lobby, where you can take off your coat, shoes and hat. I'm very happy to have a room for myself, where I feel quite and comfortable. It is a place where I can relax, read a book and listen to music. There are yellow blinds and a writing table, a sofa, a bookcase where my favorite books are situated. There are a lot of things in my room which can tell about myself, about my friends and relatives. You can find frames with photos of my parents and best friends on the walls, little pictures. They remind me happy moments of my life and that is why are very dear for me. You may be surprised, but the most popular and favorite place with all of us is the kitchen. Every Sunday my mother makes a cake and we gather together, discuss our problems and make plans for the next week. Our kitchen isn't large and looks the usual modern kitchen you can see in many other homes. I can tell a lot about my home, but to make a long story short I can say, that speaking about my home, I don't mean a flat as it is , I mean people, who are dear to me, who love me and are always waiting for me. That is why, wherever I were I would always hurry home.
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| | № 26189, Angļu valoda, 8 klase Lūdzu , kāds Kurš ir lasījis grāmatu Oliver Twist palīdziet uzrakstīt recenziju par šo grāmatu.. Dodiet idejas :) | | |
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 DJ Kalle | When reading Dickens’s “Oliver Twist” and “Great Expectations” the reader cannot avoid meeting crimes and the criminal world in those literary works. The author wants to show how different the world is – how society is divided in the social layers – there are rich, poor but to be in the middle is very difficult. There is a parallel world to the normal people’s world– the world of the outlaws. In the “Oliver Twist” crime and criminal world goes throughout the whole work. People are robbed, killed, threatened as well as pick pocketed. As Dickens involved many autobiographical facts in his writings the reader may understand that the author has experienced a great presence of the underworld influences during his lifetime. The scenes where criminals are mentioned seem to be rather realistic and the reader via the book can feel the presence of criminals who are ugly and their appearance imbues fear. Kind of that feeling experiences also Oliver when reading the book at the Jew’s place. “It was a history of lives and trials of great criminals; and the pages were soiled and thumbed with use. Here he read of dreadful crimes that made the blood run cold; of secret murders that had been committed by the lonely wayside; of bodies hidden from the eye of a man in deep pits and wells (..) and at last, after many years, and so maddened the murderers with the sight, that in their horror they had confessed their guilt.”
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 kaspiko | Romantisks stāsts par bāreni mazo Oliveru Tvistu, kuram nākas pārdzīvot visus iespējamos bērnu kreņķus un ciešanas. Pēc tam, kad rāmajam puisēnam atsaka vietu bāreņu patversmē, viņš nonāk apbedīšanas biroja īpašnieka mājā, pēc tam aizbēg uz Londonu, lai pievienotos nelieša Feigina ielas zagļu bandai un pēc tam uzzinātu brīnumainu noslēpumu par savu pagātni... | | |
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 Blizko | info par grāmatu. Ceru ka paliidzēs. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oliver_Twist | |