Meklēšanas rezultāti - 'sports' Meklēšanas rezultāti - 'sports'
Sudraba uzdevums (25+10 punktu par risinājumu) № 55686, Latviešu valoda, 11 klase
Uzrakstiet eseju par tēmu ''mans jā un mans nekad'' vai ''pārsteidzošais mūsdienu pasaulē''

(argumentāciju var izmanto latviesu kultūras vai latviesu literatura)
Paldies!!! <3 (Напишите эссе)

Matenes Dievs
Matenes Dievs
Matenes Dievs
Pārsteidzošais mūsu dzīvē
Pasaule ir skaista un ļoti daudzveidīga. Katru dienu mums apkārt notiek visdažādākie procesi, kuri liekas paši par sevi saprotami, jo steidzīgajā ikdienas solī daudz ko neievērojam. Nav brīva brīža, lai apstātos un izbaudītu mirkli. Katru dienu pasaulē atgadās kas neparasts un īsākā vai garākā laika posmā ietekmē mūsu dzīvi. Ir notikumi, par kuriem cilvēki runā gadiem ilgi un kuri atnes slavu pat veselai valstij. Es uzskatu, ka vienas no pārsteidzošākajām jomām, kuras aktuālas mūsdienu pasaulē, ir sports, vēsturiskie notikumi un zinātne, turklāt arī manā ikdienā tām ir liela nozīme.

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Zelta uzdevums (50+20 punktu par risinājumu) № 55740, Angļu valoda, 12 klase
Lūdzu izpildiet uzd.
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N.B. I should have posted this post when I first wrote it. By now Alain de Botton’s opinion about museums is all over the place, and way better written (that is: by him) so you’d better read his columns on the Huffington Post or the Museums Association website. Sorry!

It’s been a while since we reflected on the way Lady Gaga or Richard Branson would make your museum top the charts. Recently a book came out by the great thinker and museum babes lover Alain de Botton which provides us with another nice angle on the outsider’s view on museums: secularism.

Matenes Dievs
Matenes Dievs
Matenes Dievs
Visiting a museum

10 reasons to visit a museum:
1. Museums make you feel good. 2. Museums make you smarter.3. Museums provide an effective way of learning. 4. Museums are community centers. 5. Museums inspire. 6. Museums help bring change and development to communities. 7. Museums are a great way to spend time with friends and family. 8. A museum may be your next community partner or business endeavour. 9. Museums are free… sometimes. 10. There is a museum close to you.

All we are people and we have different tastes. Some of us like active leasure spending, but some of us like passive leasure spending. For some of us perfect holiday incloodes sports, sightseeing, but for some people perfect holidays means visiting museums, galleries, where you can watch paints, walking throw streets and enjoying architecture. I agree with both views, because we have different opinion of everything. Someone likes visiting museums, someone backwards doesn't like it, and it doesn't meen that those people, who don't like, are not educated and intelligent.

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All we are people and we have different tastes. Some of us like active leisure spending, but some of us like passive leisure spending. For some of us perfect holiday includes sports, sightseeing, but for some people perfect holidays means visiting museums, galleries, where you can watch paints, walking throw the streets and enjoying architecture. I agree with both views, because we have different opinion of everything. Someone likes visiting museums, someone backwards doesn't like it, and it doesn't mean that those people, who don't like, are not educated and intelligent. We have different hobbies, some people like playing football, some people love reading books, some people like art.

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My opinion about the museum is the same, i think it's waste of my time and money, because all the things what you want to see , you can find on internet in these days, and it's also free. In school, some school teachers say that we are going on a trip to some old museum, and you have to waste about 10 lats for the trip and entrance. Why would i like to waste 10 lats on something what i'm completely not interested in.
Yes i also agree many people like to enjoy and see it for real, and for them it's worth to waste the money to see something ancient. But for my opinion, many stuff are fake there.
№ 56535, Angļu valoda, 12 klase
Vai kāds var pārtulkot šo teikumu?
24 gadu vecumā miris starptautiskās klases sporta meistars, vairākkārtējs Latvijas rekordists, Latvijas un Baltijas valstu čempions peldēšanā Konstantīns Blohins.

24-year-old international sport master died, repeated Latvian record holder, Latvias and Baltic countries champion in swimming - Konstantin Blohin.

Age 24, died of international class master of sports, multiple record holder of Latvian, Latvian and Baltic swimming champion Konstantin Blohins.

Age 24, died of international class master of sports, multiple record holder Latvian, Latvian and Baltic swimming champion Konstantin Blohins.
№ 57011, Latviešu valoda, 9 klase
cava . kāds nevar ieteikt par ko rakstīt laviešu.val eksāmena runu? lūdzu palīdziet?

Es stāstīju par ceļojumu uz Londonu! Noteikti, tu vari pastāstīt par kādu savu ceļojumu! :) Vai arī par savu hobiju! :)

Nu, tu jau pats/i labāk sevi pārzini, tāpēc ir grūti spriest, kas tev patīk.
Galvenais, izvēlies tēmu, kas tevi saista un kuru tu pārzini.
Tu vari stāstīt, piemēram, par saviem hobijiem, jo tu vismaz zināsi, ka neko neaizmirsīsi.
Nu es personīgi stāstīju par savu mākslas skolas diplomdarbu (tā veidošanu utt.)
Varu nosaukt tēmas, kādas stāstīja daži mani klases biedri, vrb noderēs:
*Mans mājdzīvnieks
*Sports manā ikdienā.
*Mans ceļojums uz Zviedriju.

Veiksmi! :)

№ 60342, Angļu valoda, 10 klase
Final Test 2_10th_grade
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Final Test 2_10th_grade_13_14
1. Complete this radio news report using the passive form of the verbs in brackets.
The time is now one o'clock. The lunch time news today read (read) by John Howard.
The Prime Minister visited a primary school in Ipswich this morning where he interviewed (interview) by some of the children. He opened a new sports centre that built (build) with money raised by the parents. Another £20,000 need (need) to finish the swimming pool somore fund-raising activities plan (already/plan) for the summer.
Earlier today, a coach carrying a group of tourists hit (hit) by a lorry. The passengers helped (help) by local people until ambulances arrived. Most of the injured 8…(now/treat) at the local hospital. Two passengers with more serious injuries 9… (take) to Norwich Central Hospital later today. Witnesses say that the lorry 10… (drive) too fast.

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Apskaties risinājumu
№ 60899, Angļu valoda, 12 klase
lūdzu palīdziet.....!!!! jāuzraksta neformāla vēstule draugam!
Your friend Gerard spends all his time playing computer games and he looks unhealthy.
Write a letter to Gerard saying what sport he should take up and how it will help him. Give at least two reasons.
no 100-120 vardiem!!!!
lūdzu palīdziet svarīga atzime,bet kavēju termiņus!!!

Dear Gerard!
I am writing to You to express my deepest concern about Your healt. You are a dear friend of mine and I have noticed that You have been quite unwell lately. I think this is due to Your computer addiction.
My advice for You is - take up some sort of sport. Instead of fighting in the virtual world, you might like to try participating in martial arts. Or if you are more into team sports, join a football or a basketball team.

Turpinājums failā.
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№ 61078, Latviešu valoda, 12 klase
Pārbaudes darbs SST un vienlīdzīgi teik loc
Apskaties uzdevumu

Pārbaudes darbs par vienlīdzīgiem teikuma locekļiem un saliktu sakārtotu teikumu.

1.uzdevums. Saliec pieturzīmes un pasvītro gramatisko centru!

1. Mūs interesēja kā sports, tā gleznošana, taču Rīgā bez riteņbraukšanas mums nebija nekādu sportošanas iespēju.
2. Velosipēdus īrējām Esplanādē, un mēs riņķojām te lielajā virves iežogojumā, te pašā Esplanādē, kā arī devāmies tālbraucienos pa ielām.
3. Bet tā bija vizināšanās, nevis patiess sports, te nekur nebija ne nomērītas distances ne fiksēti laiki, ne atzīmēti rekordi.
4. Boša brālēnam piederēja sacīkšu divritenis, un mūsu pacietība un glaimi noveda pie mērķa, un brālēns aizdeva savu dārgo divriteni uz veselu pēcpusdienu.
5. Students izveda divriteni no priekšnama un pārlaida rāmim un dubļu aizsargiem ar mīkstu lupatu, un lieku reizi piekodināja tiklab uzmanīties, kā braukt prātīgi un riteni saudzēt.
6. Mēs saudzējām šo tehnikas brīnumu un divriteņu aristokrātu, un iekrāvām to tramvajā, un nekavējoties braucām nevis uz Esplanādi, bet sacīkšu vietu.
7. Sacīkšu vietu mēs bijām meklējuši ilgi un dažu labu reizi skolā, kādā miegainākā stundā mums iekrita prātā kāda jauna ideja, un mēs braucām un gājām, un meklējām.
8. Mums bija vajadzīgs rūpīgi bruģēts, vismaz puskilometru garš, taisns ceļa gabals.

Turpinājums failā.
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Sudraba uzdevums (25+10 punktu par risinājumu) № 62236, Latviešu valoda, 10 klase
Нужно сделать монолог на 3 минуты, полностью на латышском языке, тема любая но сделайте на какую-нибудь интересную и не сложную. Только без грамматических ошибок и сделайте все правильно. За ранее спасибо вам. Если можете ещё и перевод сделайте, чтобы я знал о чём монолог и на какую он тему.

Apskaties risinājumu

Monologs – hokejs

Katram cilvēkam ir savi hobiji un aizraušanās. Kādam tā ir māksla, cita dejošana, bet kādam arī pavārmāksla.
Manuprāt, sports ir veids, kā mēs varam izpausties gan morāli, gan fiziski. Tas ļauj saglabāt labu fizisko formu un uzlabot veselību, kā arī ir ļoti labs veids, kā pavadīt savu brīvo laiku.
Protams, ir daudz un dažādu sporta veidu, bet man vistuvākais ir basketbols.

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Можешь выбрать самое главное из этого и получится хороший монолог. Удачи!
Apskaties risinājumu
Sudraba uzdevums (25+10 punktu par risinājumu) № 63329, Angļu valoda, 10 klase
Izpalīdziet lūdzu!
1. Are you leading a healthy lifestyle?
2. What do you do to keep yourself fit?
3. What are your favourite foods? Are they healthy?
Katrai atbildei pa 2vai 3 teikumi.

2. Every morning I do my morning exercises to keep fit. Also I eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. After school I go to the gym, where I do some exercises like running and stretching.
3.I love sweets, but unfortunately they aren't very healthy. I also love eating fish and meat. It is very healthy to cook it without any oils.

1.Yes i am leading a healthy lifestyle. It's very good for my health. I feel great after trainings.
2. I do exercise, sometimes i play basketball or football. There i need to run much, and thats good for my health. So i am ill rarely.
3. My favorite food is potatoes with some salad. Hmm, i don't know are these foods are healthy or not, but i am doing exercises every day.

1) Yes, I am leading a healthy lifestyle. I am doing sports quite often. I don't have harmful habits.
2) I choose walking instead of going by public tranport. I eat healthy food. I do exercises every day.
3) I like sushi and pasta. It is not the healthiest food, but it is quite good. At least it is not related to fastfood.

Ceru, ka patiks :)
Zemāk arī iztulkoju, lai zini, par ko iet runa.

Ja nav grūti, nospied paldies :)
Apskaties risinājumu

Apskaties risinājumu
№ 63602, Angļu valoda, 10 klase
Apskaties uzdevumu

TEST (Modules 1 and 2) Lifestyles and Homes
1 Use the verbs from the box in the correct form to complete the sentences.

make do go have

0 Don’t talk to Shirley. She’s ____making___ an important phone call.
1 Peter has ___make’s____ a mistake.
2 Have you ____go___ a shower today?
3 She’s ___having_____ an argument with her boyfriend.
4 They usually ____doing____ their homework on Sunday afternoon.
5 What time do you usually ___make___ breakfast?
6 She usually _goes___ for a walk after lunch.
7 We are _____________ plans for our winter holiday.
8 She sometimes ____have___ swimming at the sports health centre.
9 I’m _____________ an exercise about using verbs.
10 He never _go_____ lunch in the restaurant at work.

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