| Meklēšanas rezultāti - 'unit 7 a' | № 71596, Ģeogrāfija, 11 klase Cilvēka darbības ietekme ekosistēmās un ainavu veidošanās procesos. | | |
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paliidziiba01 | Mitrāji... | | |
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KEICHA25 | 5.uzdevums. 5.1Rudava03.jpg Mitrājs jeb mitrzeme ir pārmitra vai ar seklu ūdens slāni klāta teritorija, bioma. Par mitrājiem uzskata upju palienes, zāļu un kūdras purvus vai ūdeņu platības — dabiskas vai mākslīgas, pastāvīgas vai pārplūstošas, kurās ir stāvošs vai tekošs ūdens, saldūdens, iesāļš vai sāļš ūdens, t.sk. jūras akvatorijas, kuru dziļums bēguma laikā nepārsniedz 6 metrus. 5.2 liela nozīme noteces regulēšanā, ūdeņu attīrīšanā un dabas bioloģiskās daudzveidības saglabāšanā 5.3 TIJUANA RIVER NATIONAL ESTUARINE RESEARCH RESERVECountry: United States of America ALAM-PEDJACountry: Eston | |
| | № 72022, Angļu valoda, 12 klase Palīdziet. :) Lūdzu! | | |
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bronzor | Form 12: Solutions Upper-Intermediate 2nd edition: Test Unit 7 Variant 2 1 Choose the correct answers. (10 points) 1 James told us we should buy / have bought tickets sooner. 2 I thought you told me you want / wanted to leave the golf club. 3 Ian has informed me that he is / was leaving his job next month. 4 Lots of voters said they have / had chosen the youngest candidate. 5 Emily explained to her husband that she was / is worried about their neighbours. 6 The committee announced it will / would be meeting again in a month. 7 Do you know who it was / is who started the fight? 8 One or two friends have said they will / would be coming tonight. 9 Most of my classmates said the new book is / was too difficult. 10 She told me I should have gone / go to work if I want to keep my job.
Turpinājums failā. | |
| № 72023, Angļu valoda, 12 klase Palīdziet. :) Lūdzu! | | |
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bronzor | Form 12: Solutions Upper-Intermediate: Unit 8 Variant 2 1) Draw the following objects: asteroid, constellation, galaxy, meteorite, moon, planet, solar system, star, universe, black hole (10 points) 2) Choose the correct verb to complete the phrases. (10 points) 1 When Ellie was younger she couldn't / wasn't able to stand onions. 2 Which of you could / was able to guess who the criminal was? 3 Grace could / was able to help me on several occasions. 4 Could you / Did you manage to contact Helen last night? 5 Some dogs can / are able to be fed on almost anything. 6 We couldn’t / didn't manage to breathe because of the smoke. 7 You can't / aren't able to get good potatoes any more, 8 Do you think you are able to / can come tomorrow? 9 Jim could / was able to play football better than any of us. 10 Are they able to / Can they be expected to win on Saturday?
Turpinājums failā. | |
| № 72036, Angļu valoda, 12 klase Palidziet. ludzu. | | |
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bronzor | Form 12: Solutions Upper-Intermediate: Unit 9 Variant 2 1. Fill in the gaps with appropriate words(10 points): 1. He is so Careless. He left his cash at the till of the supermarket the other day. 2. She is so Spontaneous . She never plans ahead. 3. Little Joe had only cut his finger, but his mum was completely Hysteric , crying and panicing. 4. Cath’s mum has told her teacher to move her up to a higher maths class. Don’t you think that’s problematic. 5. It was very foolish of you to buy that old car. You’re bound to lose lots of money on it. 6. Jason is really pretentious. He always carries a philosophy book around with him, but he never reads it. 7. Jake is so Romantic . On Valentine’s Day he bought his girlfriend red roses.
Turpinājums failā. | |
| № 73974, Angļu valoda, 11 klase Lūdzu palīdziet! | | |
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M.K | Solution Upper-Intermediate 2nd Edition: Form 11- Unit 3 1 Complete indirect questions so that they have the same meaning as the direct ones below. a)Has your son finished university studies yet? Can I ask if your son had finished university studies yet. b)Who was it who wrote the letter Would you mind telling me who it was had been written the letter. c)Why did she go to school early this morning? Can I ask you why she had gone to school early that morning d) What did your aunt tell you I was worried about? Would you mind telling me what your aunt had told you I had been worried about
Turpinājums failā. | |
| | № 74836, Angļu valoda, 11 klase Ludzu palidzibu ar pd | | |
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M.K | Unit 7 Progress Test A Grammar 1 Read the text and choose the correct words. Stolen paintings found − four men arrested Five stolen paintings 1_____ by police here in Newcastle. They 2_____ in an old mechanic’s shop. The paintings include late 16th and early 17th-century works by Caravaggio and Zurbarán, and they 3_____ from a London museum two years ago on New Year’s Eve.
Turpinājums failā. | |